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PAGE 海 南 大 学 毕 业 论 文(设计) 题 目: 网络环境下企业危机公关策略 摘 要 危机公关是指在由于某种突发事件导致企业形象受损,要求企业必须作出关键决策和进行紧急回应,否则会使公众对企业产生信任危机的非常态公共关系状态下,企业针对危机事件所采取的一系列自救行为,包括消除影响、恢复形象等。通常,危机公关非常重视传统媒体。传统媒体拥有强大的舆论引导力,其立场和观点往往影响着公众对企业或品牌的判断、偏好、选择。但是近年来,随着互联网被称为继报刊、广播、电视等传统大众媒体之后新兴的第四媒体,舆论传播环境发生改变。一系列的企业危机案例,如“丰田门”、富士康“跳楼门”、“三鹿奶粉的结石门”等,表明:网络环境下的企业危机的发生以及传播呈现出新的特点,传统的企业危机管理模式和危机公关策略已经不能完全适用于新的形势。 本文主要研究在现代网络环境下,企业危机产生的原因、危机传播的特点,企业应该如何认识和面对危机,从而以新的方式、新的策略开展企业危机公关工作,以期为中国企业危机公关策略的研究和实践提供有益的思路。 关键词:公共关系;网络环境;危机公关;网络危机公关; Abstract Crisis public relations is in for some unexpected events cause damage to corporate image, calling for corporations to make critical decisions and carry out emergency response, otherwise it would generate public confidence in corporate public relations crisis, the very state of the state, business events for the crisis adopted a series of self-help behavior, including the elimination of influence and restore image. Usually, traditional media attached great importance to crises relations. Traditional media has a strong guiding force to public opinion. Their position and views tend to affect the public’s judgments, preference, choice to business or brand. But in recent years, as the Internet is called the fourth new media following the newspapers, radio, television and other traditional mass media, mass media environment has changed. A series of business crisis case, such as Toyota door, Foxconn jump door Sanlu milk powder the stone door etc, show that in the network environment the cause and the spread of the crisis has showed the occurrence of new features, the traditional PR crisis management can not fully apply to the new situation. This paper mainly research in the modern network environment, the company causes of the crisis, the communication features of the crisis, and the ways in which companies should face and understand the crisis in order to find new ways and new strategies to carry out corporate public relations work. What’s more, hopeful


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