必威体育精装版Sun Tzu and the Art of Negotiation in China孙子兵法 之 战略....ppt

必威体育精装版Sun Tzu and the Art of Negotiation in China孙子兵法 之 战略....ppt

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必威体育精装版Sun Tzu and the Art of Negotiation in China孙子兵法 之 战略....ppt

Rules of Sales Negotiation 销售协商的规则 You have the right to say “No”. If you cant say “No”, you are in big trouble 你有权说“不”。如果觉得不能说“不”,你就麻烦大了 Your job is not to be liked, it’s to be respected 你的工作不是要被他人所喜欢,而是要受到对方的尊重 Price is as psychological as it is emotional, but NEVER, ever rational 价格的决定可以是感性的,也可以是心理的,但从来不是理性的 * Rules of Sales Negotiation 销售协商的规则 “Loose lips sink ships” “祸从口出” Always enter every negotiation with an agenda — what’s your desired outcome and how you want to achieve it 永远在每一次谈判之前都都得将谈判流程计划好-你的预期结果及如何达到 The only goals are those you can control: behavior and activity 目标应该是那些你能够控制到的:行为和行动 * Rules of Sales Negotiation 销售协商的规则 Always think in the customers’ positions, and highlight their “pain” 永远从客户的角度思考,在他们的“痛处”上做工作 Do you know ALL the decision influencers? 你是否已经认识所有影响决定的人士了吗? “No” is good, “Yes” is good, “Maybe” will kill you “不”是好的,“是”是好的,“可能”会让你痛不欲生 * Managing Your BATNA (Best Alternative to a Negotiated Outcome)处理你的BATNA (未取得谈判结果的应对方案) Your ideal outcome 你理想的结果 Your bottom line 你的底线 Your bargaining conditions 你的讨价还价的筹码 Possible alternatives 可供考虑的备用方案 When to say “no” 什么时候说“不” How to say “no” 如何说“不” * chfght Preparing to Negotiate 准备协商 What is your BATNA? 你的BATNA是什么? What are your objectives? 你协商的目标有哪些? What are you prepared to give? 你能够给于什么? How can you find out more information? 你该怎样找到更多的信息? What is our common ground? 双方的共识是什么? How do you intend to educate your customer about your value? 你该怎样引导对方认可你的价值? At what point should you walk away? 你什么时候该放弃谈判? What is your customer’s BATNA? 对方的BATNA又是什么? What are your customer’s needs, wants and concerns? 对方有什么需求及顾忌? What happens if your customer does nothing? 如果对方按兵不动,你会怎么做? What are their priorities? 他们最关注哪些事? * chfght 凡战者,以正合,以奇胜 In war, use conventional methods to get your army organised, but use unconventional methods to achieve victory * chfght Elements of Sun Tzu and the Art of Negotiation 孙子兵法之战略谈判纲要 Why Plan? 为何计划? Know Yourself and Your Adversary 知己知彼 * chfght 改变中的环境 The Changing Envir


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