中国转型期的全球化城市 毕业论文外文翻译精选.doc

中国转型期的全球化城市 毕业论文外文翻译精选.doc

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中国转型期的全球化城市 毕业论文外文翻译精选

英文翻译评价表 学生姓名 性别 学号 0902080122 外文文献标题 Transforming China’s globalizing cities 外文文献出处 中国知网 以下内容由指导教师填写(打勾“√”选择) 评价项目 评价结论 打勾 评价结论 打勾 评价结论 打勾 是否外文期刊文献 是 否 与本人论文相关 完全相关 一般 不相关 翻译工作量 超负荷 饱和 不饱和 翻译态度 认真 一般 不认真 翻译进度 按计划执行 一般 未按计划执行 翻译训练效果 优 良 中 差 综 合 评 语 (是否完成了规定任务、效果是否符合要求等) 指导教师签名: 2013年 4 月 25 日 制表:李铁治 注1:此表与翻译文本一起装订; 注2:为了加强学生外语应用能力的训练,每位同学至少选择毕业论文中一篇外文参考文献(10000英文字符),翻译成中文。外文文献及中文译文不装钉进论文中,只形成单行本放入档案袋即可。Title:Transforming China’s globalizing cities Author:Fulong Wua;Laurence J.C. Mab Abstract This paper serves as an introduction to the first part of this special issue of Habitat International on Urbanization in China. It discusses the context of globalization, and then tries to place Chinese cities within this context. Chinese cities are currently being forced into the age of globalization by many forces, such as entry into World Trade Organization and the expansion of the market economy. Thus, an examination of the re-structuring that is occurring and the changes that are taking place is timely. The papers in this collection fulfil this purpose. [Keywords]: Urbanization; China; Globalization; World cities Increasingly globalization has been understood as a process rather than an‘‘end-state.’’ As such it is appropriate to use ‘‘globalizing cities’’ to capture the transformation of cities driven by the process of globalization (Marcuse van Kempen, 2000; Yeoh, 1999). The literature on global and world cities has focused heavily on the top -ranking cities, especially those in Western economies, as the sites accommodating multinational corporations (MNCs) or as ‘‘command centres’’ for producer services to exercise control over the global economy (Beaverstock, Taylor, Smith,1999; Friedmann Wolff, 1982; Sassen, 2001, 1994). But anomalies from the global city paradigm certainly exist in different social and cultural contexts. Hill and Kim (2000) recently argue that Tokyo and Seoul represent different types of world


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