中小企业发展战略与管理体制研究 毕业论文精选.doc

中小企业发展战略与管理体制研究 毕业论文精选.doc

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中小企业发展战略与管理体制研究 毕业论文精选

中小企业发展战略与管理体制研究 摘要 本文论述了中小企业在成长发展过程中所面临的主要经营战略模式问题与管理体制随着中小企业数量的递增和规模的扩大,中小企业已在我国国民经济中占据了半壁江山, 在发展和壮大的过程中,由于市场竞争日趋激烈,原有的管理水平已不适应企业新的发展,成为企业进一步发展的桎梏。中小企业的发展面临着两个基本问题:一是如何适应外部环境的变化,二是如何协调内部资源的有效利用。由于企业对外部环境的适应性是建立在内部协调性的基础之上,因此加强企业内部管理,是企业最基础的工作,也是企业能够生存和发展的保证,中小企业制定经营战略的必要性及企业特色化经营战略的几种主要的发展模式的特点,阐述了中小企业要根据实际情况选取适当的模式,确保企业的长期健康稳定发展。其次,本文还论述了中小企业在融资问题上的模式和解决对策;再次,论述了笔者对于中小企业内控制度的一些思考,为我国中小企业的全面落实科学发展观提供经营战略模式的参考。 关键词:中小企业 中小企业面临问题 战略模式?经营对策 Abstract This article elaborated the small and medium-sized enterprise the main business strategy pattern questions and the management system questions facing in the growth developing process .With the increasing number of small and medium-sized enterprises and the expansion of the scale, the small and medium-sized enterprises have in our country national economy occupy half of the country, in the development and growth of the process, due to the increasingly fierce market competition, the original management level has not adapted to the new enterprise development, and becomes shackles which the enterprise further develops.The development of small and medium-sized enterprises are faced with two basic problems: one is how to adapt to the change of external environment, the two is how to coordinate the effective use of internal resources.As a result of the enterprise on the adaptability of external environment is created in the internal coordination of the foundation, thus strengthening the internal management of enterprises, is the most basic work, also is the enterprise can ensure the survival and development.Small and medium enterprise management strategy necessity and characteristic of enterprise management strategy of some main development mode, elaborated the small and medium-sized enterprises according to the actual situation of selecting the appropriate mode, ensure the long-term healthy and stable development. Secondly, this paper also discusses the small and medium-sized enterprises in financing mode and countermeasures; a


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