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摘要在进入信息化时代的今天,各行业的信息化,然而对于现阶段的中国医院行业,高度的信息化管理只存在于大型医院当中,对于中小型医院信息的普及化还不能全面的覆盖。究其原因是无论从硬件还是软件的维护都是一笔不菲的开支,这种情况在偏远地区尤其突出。这无疑加重了医院对人力资源使用的负担,而本系统正是为缓解这一问题而开发。医院作为提供救死扶伤的场所,不仅要求医院具有精湛的医技,而且要求热心,周到的医疗服务以及方便,快捷的信息查询方式。而作为治疗方式中最重要的一种住院治疗更是对医院的各项工作提出了更高的要求,一方面要协调好各组织结构,使之运行畅通,高效,另一方面患者及其家属随时可能提出咨询服务,而医院如果组织专人来做这件事又会有些浪费,往往很多医院对这一矛盾都未能给予较好的处理。因传统的方式不仅低效,费时,耗资,更没能为患者提供很好的信息咨询服务,而影响了医院在百姓心中的口碑。本系统针对于医院住院部的医生与患者信息,实现一种医生与患者的简单互动,从而缓解医院的压力,将更优的资源投入到对患者的治疗当中。关键词中小型医院信息查询简单互动 ABSTRACT Entering the information age of today, the unprecedented spread of information technology industry, but at this stage of the hospital industry in China, a high degree of information management which exist only in large hospitals, universal access to information for small hospitals can not be comprehensive coverage of . The reason is that in terms of hardware and software maintenance costs are a lot of money, the situation in remote areas in particular. This will undoubtedly increase the use of human resources of the hospitals burden, while the system is developed to alleviate this problem. Hospital for the provision of life-saving sites, requires not only the hospital with a superb medical skills, but also for enthusiastic, thoughtful, and convenient medical services, fast information query. As treatment of the most important one - patient treatment, it is the work of the hospital a higher demand on the one hand to coordinate the organizational structure, make it run smooth, efficient, on the other hand patients and their families may be raised at any time advisory services, and hospitals to do it if someone would organize some waste, many hospitals often are not given for this contradiction better treatment. Thus, the traditional method is not only inefficient, time-consuming, expensive, but did not provide good information for patients consulting services, which will affect the hospitals reputation in the minds of the people. The system for doctors in the hospital inpatient and patient information,


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