Dogen the Zen Master A Search and a Fulfillmentdoc汇总.doc

Dogen the Zen Master A Search and a Fulfillmentdoc汇总.doc

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Dogen the Zen Master A Search and a Fulfillmentdoc汇总

Dogen, the Zen Master: A Search and a Fulfillment Talks given from 25/07/88 pm to 01/08/88 pm English Discourse series 8 Chapters Year published: 1988 Dogen, the Zen Master: A Search and a Fulfillment Chapter #1 Chapter title: To study the way ... to forget the self ... 25 July 1988 pm in Gautam the Buddha Auditorium Archive code: 8807255 ShortTitle: DOGEN01 Audio: Yes Video: Yes Length: 97 mins OUR BELOVED MASTER, DOGEN WROTE: TO STUDY THE WAY IS TO STUDY THE SELF. TO STUDY THE SELF IS TO FORGET THE SELF. TO FORGET THE SELF IS TO BE ENLIGHTENED BY ALL THINGS. TO BE ENLIGHTENED BY ALL THINGS IS TO REMOVE THE BARRIERS BETWEEN ONES SELF AND OTHERS. THEN THERE IS NO TRACE OF ENLIGHTENMENT, THOUGH ENLIGHTENMENT ITSELF CONTINUES INTO ONES DAILY LIFE ENDLESSLY. THE FIRST TIME WE SEEK THE LAW, WE ARE FAR AWAY FROM THE BORDER OF IT. BUT SOON AFTER THE LAW HAS BEEN CORRECTLY TRANSMITTED TO US, WE ARE ENLIGHTENED PERSONS. Maneesha, this is the first day of a new series of talks, devoted to the full moons. The moon is an ancient symbol of transforming the hot rays of the sun into cool, peaceful, beautiful rays. It has nothing of its own. When you see the moon, you are seeing only a mirror which is reflecting the rays of the sun. Those reflected rays are just like the ones you can see when the sun is reflected in a river. The moon is a mirror but not only a mirror, it is also a transforming agent. It changes the heat rays into cool, peaceful rays. That is the reason why the moon has become the most significant symbol in the East. This series is dedicated to the full moons. In the series itself we are going to discuss one of the most unique masters, Dogen. Before I enter into the sutras, it will be good for you to know something about Dogen. That background will help you to understand his very condensed sutras. Apparently they look contradictory. Without the background of Dogens life pattern they are like trees without roots, they cannot bring flowers. So first I will


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