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Fingers Pointing to the Moon汇总

Fingers Pointing to the Moon Talks given from 1/3/80 to 31/3/80 Darshan Diary 7 Chapters Year published: Unpublished Fingers Pointing to the Moon Chapter #1 Chapter title: Being 1 March 1980 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium Archive code: 8003015 ShortTitle: POINT01 Audio: No Video: No [NOTE: This is an unedited tape transcript of an unpublished darshan diary, which has been copy-typed. It is for reference purposes only.] NEITHER HOT NOR COLD The moon is very symbolic. It symbolizes two things particularly. One is light and coolness. The sun is also light, but very hot. The sun is fire; it can burn, it can kill. The moon is very soothing; it can revive, it can rejuvenate, it can bring you back to life, to abundant life. The sun represents passion. Passion is hot, feverish, fiery. The moon represents compassion. Compassion is cool, non-feverish, just a subtle well-being. And a sannyasin has to learn how to be cool without being cold. It is easy to be cold. It is as easy to be cold as it is to be hot, so it is not difficult to move from hot to being cold. Thats what your so-called monks and nuns have been doing down the ages: from being hot they became cold, from being one extreme they became the other extreme. The cooler you become, the more graceful you are; the hotter you are, the uglier you become. Passion is hot, it makes people ugly. When a person is full of lust you can see that his eyes and his face are all distorted. They are no more human, they look animal. He has fallen below humanity. The greedy person -- look at his face, his eyes -- he is a disgrace. But when there is no greed, no anger, no lust, and one is very cool... I dont mean cold, because the cold person is also ugly. Hate is cold, lust is hot. One has to be neither hot nor cold; one has to be exactly in the middle, the golden mean has to be followed. That is the path of the sannyasin: to be cool in all circumstances. It is like walking on a tightrope: you should not lean too much towards


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