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现代物流企业成本管理现状及控制对策分析论文 毕业论文设计题 目 系部名称 经济管理系 专业班级学生姓名 学 号指导教师 教师职称72011年0月 Abstract With the continuing reform of economic system accelerating the process of internationalization of Chinas logistics industry has been a rapid development but compared with developed countries of Western Logistics Chinas logistics industry is still in its early development stage and many Logistics enterprises are small extensive management weak competitiveness logistics costs are still highConstantly opening up in Chinas logistics market as well as some famous multinational logistics enterprises with the influx of the Context the logistics market more competitiveHigh logistics costs has seriously affected the development and growth of logistics enterprises enterprises in the fierce market competition in order to survive and develop it is necessary for enterprises to control and optimize the logistics cost thereby reducing the cost of logistics enterprises and improve economic efficiency This paper used the literature analysis and case analysis research paper presented frameworkThe cost of logistics enterprises by a large number of literature research and analysis combined with practical examples of cost management of modern logistics industry in the main problems in-depth analysisThe root cause of these problems and corresponding countermeasures research summary for the modern logistics enterprise to solve such problems make constructive suggestions Keywords Logistics cost management cost control 如果您的财富值不足可以到我店铺httpshop6592com每个包对应文档只需一分钱该类宝贝为公益宝贝不为盈利只为刷信誉没别的都是学生记得留言或旺旺 1 引言 11 本文的选题背景 物流被称为继生产力劳动力之后的第三利润源泉保证这一利润源泉实现的关键就是降低物流企业成本物流成本已经成为企业应付市场竞争和维护客户关系的重要战略决策资源与此同时随着我国社会主义市场经济体系的逐步确立和成功加入 WTO企业生存与发展的外在环境发生了深刻的变化物流在企业运营中起着越来越重要的作用物流成本高低也直接关系到企业利润水平以及竞争力的高低然而我国物流成本控制至今没有完整的体系企业消耗的物流费用没有得到揭示成本浪费现象严重物流成本终居高不下于是物流成本的控制日益成为我国企业关注的焦点而保证第三利源泉实现的关键是控制物流企业的物流成本降低物流企业成本可以说物流企业成本的节约就是物流科学创造的新


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