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英语专业专业课件:英汉翻译技巧课件 ---- ---- Amplification Omission Nouns Prepositions Adjectives Adverbs Hypotactic vs. Paratactic Passive vs. Active Restructuring Impersonal vs. Personal Affirmative vs. Negative Nominal Clauses Attributive Clause Adverbial ClauseAssessmentAttendance 10%Assignments 15% 2 30% Final Exam 60%Suggested reading books?-1 A Brief Introduction to TranslationImportant Role of Translation:Coca Cola 、 Hacker 、club 、 laser? : laser 、 menu 、nylon“ ” FangfangMokasutu “ ”. Nature and Scope of Translation Definition :“ ”//.a “Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style. ”. Nature and Scope of TranslationPeter Newmark “It is rendering the meaning of a text into another language in the way that the author intended the text”J.Catford “ 敁 ?Nature and Scope of Translation NatureTranslation is not a word for word activity 1*She is very red nowShe is very popular now. 2 *You Give Me Stop!! Stand! 3 *Stupid stupid want to moveBe ready to do sth.bad 4 *coldly talk for a while to exchange greetings and make small talk 5 *Site of jumping umbrella paragliding site 6 * Cherishing Flowers and Trees keep off the grass.Nature and Scope of Translation nativeforeign foreignnative interpretation translation MT consecutive interpretation simultaneously interpretation. Principles or Criteria of Translation Principle :faithfulness, expressiveness, elegance spiritual conformitysublimed adaptation? Tytler translation equivalence dynamic equivalence. Principles or Criteria of Translation Principle : Yan Fu the first Chinese who made a penetrating and relatively systematic study of translation standard in modern times? Evolution and EthicsThe Wealth of NationsPrinciples or Criteria of Translation Principle : :faithfulness/ accuracy /expressiveness/ smoothness /elegancePrinciples or Criteria of Trans


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