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毕 业 设 计 (论 文) 设计(论文)题目:On Business English Rhetoric from the Perspective of Register Theory 语域理论视角下的商务英语修辞研究 学 院 名 称: 外国语学院 专 业: 英语 班 级: 姓 名: 学 号 指 导 教 师: 职 称 定稿日期:2012年 4 月 30日 ABSTRACT Rhetoric, as an art of discourse, belongs to the category of linguistics. Rhetoric aims to improve the facility of speakers or writers who attempt to persuade or motivate audiences in specific situations. This thesis is to focus on Business English rhetoric (here referred to as modern rhetoric) which is an effective communication skill in certain context. This thesis is to analyze the Business English rhetoric from the perspective of register theory. The author employs documentary analysis method, case analysis method and classification analysis method to make an adequate and comprehensive research on Business English rhetoric. This thesis begins with the introduction in which the reason why this topic is chosen and the purposes of writing are displayed briefly. In the second part the author gives a brief survey of rhetoric. And then the author will introduce the Business English rhetoric from the phonetic, lexical, sentential and textual level. The fourth part is a brief introduction of register theory. In the fifth part, the author intends to explore the rhetorical features of vocabulary, syntax, and text of Business English on the basis of functional linguist Halliday’s three variables of register theory: field, tenor, and mode, thus further analyzing how Business English rhetoric is strained by Halliday’s register theory. Finally, the author makes a conclusion that the register theory is well applied to analyze rhetoric in Business English. 摘 要 修辞是话语的艺术,是语言学的范畴。修辞是讲话者或写作者在特定的情景下试图说服或激励群众而采用的艺术手法。本文的研究对象是商务英语修辞(这里指的是现代修辞),即在特定语境中一种有效的交流手段。 本文对将从语域理论视角下研究商务英语修辞。作者采用文献分析法、个案研究法、分类分析法对商务英语修辞进行全面


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