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中小企业内部信息交流系统 摘要 随着信息技术的飞速发展和日趋激烈的商业竞争,企业已不再满足于独立、零散的办公自动化应用,企业需要的是协同工作、综合、集成化的解决方案。 而网络是解决由于物理距离造成的信息交流不畅、协商沟通不便的办公瓶颈问题的最佳方式。企业网上(ASP)信息交流通过对各办公自动化要素的闭环整合,实现了企业信息、信息交流、知识流和办公自动化系统的整合管理,提供了一个科学、开放、先进的信息化办公平台,实现办公自动化,并进行远程办公或在家办公。企业网上办公自动化将人从繁琐、无序、低序、低端的工作中解放出来从事核心事务,整体提高了单位办事效率和对信息的可控性,降低办公成本,提高执行力,使管理趋于完善。 随着全球经济一体化进程的加快,世界经济已由工业化经济逐步进入网络信息化时代。在信息时代来临之季,各企业都紧跟时代的脚步,转变着企业的经营模式、管理模式,从传统的人工管理体制,向信息自动化管理体制过渡。与此同时,企业的传统式的办公管理模式也在逐步向自动化办公管理模式转变。网络自动化办公系统就是在这样的大背景下应运而生的。 关键词:企业信息,交流,ASP Internal information exchange for SMEs Computer Science and Technology 2008-2008 zhou gong ping Supervisor: Zhou Peichun Abstract At present, the small hotel’s category flows with increasing of the guests continuously, resulted in the difficulty to the management. Using the computer to manage the hotel and the resident information, enhanced the inquiry speed, saved the workforce and the resources and has met the anticipated requirements. In this system, we designs the small hotel management system which accords to the present situation of the small hotel service management and the way it develops in the future and small hotel management study practice. This system is a software which is used for the small hotel service management. The management of the system data uses the operating system newest management method, so the user operation will be simpler. The various business management modules in this system may runs independently. These advantages can increase the biggest efficiency of the guest house management, is also a guest house to serve scientific and regular to turn the term of the management. This system may make full use of information technology to increase the management level, service level of the hotel. The system will realize the function such as the lodgings registration, the lodging allowance reminder, supplements the deposit, the accent room registration, returns a house ties the account, inquiry statistics. The dynamic real-time lodgings registration, the guest room



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