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谭宗浚论文:《荔村草堂诗钞》校注 【中文摘要】谭宗浚(1846—1888),字叔裕,捕属(今广州西关一带)人,琼州府教授谭莹次子。他生于清道光末年,一生处在晚清时期。少年随从父亲谭莹读书于岭南名塾—粤秀讲院,受其父影响颇深。谭宗浚的诗歌创作较具特色,题材广泛、内容丰富。其诗歌作品集《荔村草堂诗钞》是儒家传统和时代特征的结合体,对其题材、思想和艺术分析将有助于窥探晚清岭南文人的思想状态和文学创作趋势。本论文对谭宗浚的《荔村草堂诗钞》进行注释研究。版本来自《续修四库全书》,据上海图书馆馆藏清光绪十八年廖廷相刻本的影印本。本文对诗歌的人名、地名、典故、疑难字词等进行注释。主要从谭宗浚的生平、交游、诗歌题材、思想内容和艺术特色等几个方面进行系统、深入的研究分析,力求客观反映谭宗浚的诗歌创作全貌,并对其诗歌给予准确的评价,以期对晚清岭南文学研究添砖加瓦。 【英文摘要】Tan Zongjun (A. D.1846—1888), with the rengding name of ShuYu was born in Bu Shu and was the second son of TAN Ying who was a teacher of Qiong Zhou Government. Tan Zongjun was born at the later period of Qing dynasty, and studied at the famous school in south area with his father who gave his a lot of influence. Yan Zongjun抯 poetry were unique, which had a wide range of topics and was rich in content. LiCun Caotang Shichao conbined the confucian tradition and the time characteristics of the times. Analyze the works of topics, thought and skills would help to find our the state of minds and Literary trends in south area.I make notation about the work. The version come from Continuation of Si Ku Quan Shu, according to the copy of the Shanghai Library eighteen years of the Qing dynasty edition. In this paper, I make notation abour poetry place names, stories, difficult words, comments etc. In introduction, I mainly research and analysis the the life, friends, poetry theme, content and artistic aspects of the system, and several other features, in order to inflect the hole of creation situation, and give an accurate assessment, hoping to contribute to the late lingnan Literature. 【关键词】谭宗浚 荔村草堂诗钞 校注 题材内容 思想艺术 【英文关键词】TanZongjun LiCunCaotangShichao notation topics content thougt skill 【目录】《荔村草堂诗钞》校注 摘要 4-5 ABSTRACT 5 前言 18-19 第一章 谭宗浚的生平、著述和交游 19-24 第一节 谭宗浚的生平 19-21 1. 少年时期 19 2. 青年时期 19-20 3. 壮年时期 20-21 第二节 谭宗浚的交游 21-23 第三节 谭宗浚的著述 23-24 第二章 《荔村草堂诗钞》研究 24-40 第一节 《荔村草堂诗钞》题材内容 24-31 2. 咏史诗 26-27 3. 民俗诗 27-29 4. 游仙诗 29-30 5. 农事诗 30-31 第二节 谭宗浚诗歌的思想内容 31-35 1. 政治观 3


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