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声控小车设计 中文摘要: 声控小车指的是能够在人的语音命令控制下完成具体动作的小车,主要由控制板、驱动电路和车体组成,同时还要编辑合适的软件来具体控制小车的动作。 控制板主要负责软件的写入,能够完成语音信号的压缩、存储、辨识、响应等功能,而驱动电路则能够根据控制板送来的驱动信号对车体上的直流电机和继电器进行控制,从而完成具体的动作。 在本次设计中,控制板我们将采用凌阳公司的16位单片机,驱动电路将根据单片机的控制原理由我们利用模拟器件自己焊接。软件的编写将主要参考单片机的C语言程序设计,编译环境为凌阳公司的IDE 1.16.1.具体软件编写和硬件功能实现将在正文中详细讲述。 关键词:凌阳16位单片机,语音识别,单片机C语言编程,驱动电路设计 英文摘要: The audio-control car is a kind of car that can be controlled by humans voice and can achieve many functions such as Turn-right ,Turn-left, Go-ahead and Back-off. The car is composed of 3 parts: control board, drive board and base. The software should be downloaded in the control board is also necessary. For the control board, it should have 2 qualifications: first, the software can be planted in, second, the voice signal can be compacted, stored, differentiated and responded. For the drive board, it should control the DC motor and the relay directly via the signal that sent by the control board. For this design, we will use the Single Chip Microprocessor (SCM) manufactured by Sunplus Corporation as the control board, so the drive board should be fit for the SCM. The software will be compiled in the IDE 1.6.1 also provided by Sunplus Corporation. The design process will be introduced in the following text in details. Keywords: Single Chip Microprocessor, Audio control, program design. 目录: 前言……………………………………………………………………………3 一、硬件电路设计及连接……………………………………………………3 1.1 SPCE061A……………………………………………………………3 1.1.1 SPCE061A 总述…………………………………………………3 1.1.2 SPCE061A 性能………………………………………………3 1.1.3 选择SPCE061A的理由…………………………………………4 1.1.4 凌阳16位单片机SPCE061A实物图……………………………4 1.1.5 SPCE061A内部结构框图………………………………………5 1.2.车体驱动电路………………………………………………………6 1.2.1车体驱动电路设计思路…………………………………………6 1.2.2实际驱动电路……………………………………………………7 1.3、小车车底部分………………………………………………………8 1.4.硬件部分结论…………………………………………………………8 二、软件编写与调试……………………………………………………………9 2.1主程序流程图 …………………………………………………………9 2.2 控制口连接方式 …………………………………………


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