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服装导购日常英语口语 我能帮您什么忙吗? Can I help you? 欢迎光临…….. Welcome to Versace 请您慢慢看 Please take your time 有什么事可以随时问我 Have what thing can always ask me 您找到想要的衣服了吗? You find want clothes? PART 2 Recommending推荐商品 您看这件可以吗? You see this? 这个款式可以吗? This style? 这件怎么样? what about this one? 您喜欢哪种呢? Which do you like? 我们有许多款式 We have many style 这是最畅销的 This is the most popular 这是本季度的新款 This is the newest style PART 3 About Size选择尺寸 您穿多大尺寸? What size do you wear? 尺寸合适吗? Suitable size? 您要试试大一点的吗? You should try bigger? 您想要宽松型还是紧身型? You want to loose type or tight type? 恐怕没有您穿的尺寸 Im afraid we havent you wear size PART 4 Color and Style说明颜色和款式 您喜欢什么颜色? What color would you like? 您穿x×颜色会更好 You wear x x color will be better 对不起,您要的该颜色商品卖完了 Sorry, you want the color commodities sold out 您想试试深灰色的吗? Do you want to try dark grey? 这些是刚上市的 These are just listed 您觉得这个图案怎么样? You think this design? 这种款式很流行,尤其在年轻人中 This style is very popular, especially among the young 这种设计很时髦 This design is very stylish 它和您的裙子很相配 It goes beautifully with your dress 全棉且不会褪色 Cotton and will not fade PART 5 Material and Care服装质地及保养 这是纯棉的 This is pure cotton 这是羊毛做的 This is wool 只能手洗 Hand wash only 不要用手拧干 Dont use hand twist dry PART 6 Trying on试穿 您想试穿吗?  You want to try it on? 您可以试一下这件的大小 You can try this size 试衣间在那边,请跟我来 The fitting room is over there, please come with me 大小合适吗? It is the right size? 穿一穿会松一些的 Wearing a wear will loose some PART 7 Compliment赞美 非常好! Very good! 真帅! Really handsome! 您穿起来很好看 It looks good on you 我觉得您穿蓝色非常好 I think you wear blue is very good 您穿起来显得很年轻 You wear to appear very young 它和您的肤色很配 It goes well with your skin PART 8 offering出价 这件衣服多少钱? The dress how many money? 特价××元 Specials 200 yuan 本周特价,打三折 Having a special this week, played three fold PART 9 Bargaining讨价还价 价格是固定的 Price is fixed 对不起,我们这里谢绝还价 Sorry, we here declined to bargain 对不起,恐怕不行 Sorry, Im afraid not 物有所值 price to value 这个价钱很合理 This price is quite reasonable 这是我能给您的最低价 This is I can give you the lowest price 卖这个价钱我要赔钱的 Sell the pr


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