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水利工程质量管理探究 Study of management for water conservancy project quality management 摘要:本文根据笔者从事水利工程建设管理的工作经验,对当前水利工程施工质量管理存在的问题及其原因进行了简要的概述与分析,针对所出现的问题,从设计、施工和业务素质等方面出发,提出了解决问题的措施,指出了水利工程质量管理过程中应注意的问题。以提高水利工程建设质量,保证水利工程的安全、可靠和经济地运行。 Abstract:In this paper, according to the author is engaged in the construction of water conservancy project management work experience, the current problems existing in the water conservancy project construction quality management and its reason has carried on the brief overview and analysis, aiming at the problems, from the aspects of design, construction and service quality, put forward the measures to solve the problem, points out the water conservancy project quality management problems should be paid attention to in the course. To improve the quality of water conservancy project construction, ensure the safety of the water conservancy project, reliable and economic operation. 关键词 :水利工程,质量管理,措施 Keywords: water conservancy project, quality management, measures 随着我国经济的高速发展,水利工程的建设也明显加快,为保障水利工程建设又好又快地发展和形势的持续稳定,就必须加强水利工程建设的质量管理。同时,由于水利工程项目涉及到建设点多、面广、量大以及工作难度较大,致使因为质量问题而导致的水利工程事故常有发生,这给水利工程的正常运行埋下了安全隐患,给国家和人民的生命财产造了重大损失。基于此,这要求我们进一步加强水利工程建设的质量管理。 Along with our country economy high speed development, water conservancy project construction is accelerated apparently, to ensure faster and better development of water conservancy construction and the steady of the situation, must strengthen the construction of water conservancy project quality management. At the same time, due to the water conservancy project involves the construction points, wide surface, large volume and more work is difficult, because quality problem caused by the water conservancy engineering accidents often happen, this to the normal operation of the water conservancy project planted safe hidden trouble, to the people and the country made great losses of life and property. Based on this, this requires us to further strengthen quality management of construction of water



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