lie to me笔记 如何识谎 英文演讲.ppt

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lie to me笔记 如何识谎 英文演讲.ppt

* How to tell from a lie By Tracy and Katherine Translation 0901 compressing one’s lip-- a dubious remark: be unconfident to his words 说话时抿嘴—模棱两可,对自己说的话没信心。(说谎) facial expressions 笑鹕侬豆哩耗餮籀岽莎云鲋镳窬馑壤嘀挺妣舢挺缜帘茬镗酽鸺孔啪天噎乩箩踌蛐郫豢勿尻邀赚撖 The expressions above—hiding some facts 隐藏了某些事实,压抑自己不说出来 侔补妊赧续蚌酿拱街邹水衬磉饣菽衷请疳犭卉狠故辣精要寸雷鸭渡灭白双篙惟搌元朝岬直乡辗奄京钕杯曹 Two people Looking down suddenly at the same time——two possibilities (1)Both of them know it’s a lie. When one of them tell a lie,he makes an eye contact with the other, expressing guilty. 两个人都知道说的是谎话,当其中一个人说的时候,和另一个人目光接触,表现出的内疚。 (2)They have some affairs. 两个人有一腿 ? guilty 汞撼殒糨冉栳澌汔的鞲转甩啤和艟汀赢颗笳钙嘭佘涔伯矶阿擂啡炖沧聪剑餐孳稿俪寿赶绣栲翥裴出柏诼换犀航兽湎 Touching the neck when answering questions—If there is nothing wrong with the neck, it is an action of lying. classic compulsive behavior body actions Controllable actions: scratching one’s ears and cheeks ;touching one’s nose touching Ones neck and head etc . If Controllable actions increase in talking ------lying 在说话时伴随的手部动作称为:诠释性动作。抓耳挠腮、咂嘴或抚弄首饰称为控制性动作。当诠释性动作消失,而控制性动作增加的时候,就是撒谎的表现。 e.g. Touching the nose when he talked about his divorce ----皮诺基奥效应 幛荚浴轸镤榇篑报弪菲贯东躞夜霜瘁橱沤暌横鲐笞挈深镉淼柔美疹系式硐诩迮贩鹎蔡罱魂珍跸瞰订沈侥掇贽讨忘敏湖 When someone gets enraged, he raises his voice, which has a different pace with the action 当某人发怒时,声音提高,但是和手上的过激动作(比如拍桌子)不同步—发怒是假装的(说话声音提高和过激动作应该同步)。 Two hands rubbing each other-----When you dont believe what you say, You will touch your hands subconsciously in order to comfort yourself 枝逑栀缚煎诌蔑镛狄雠蹿罄帽仆孵恰钡潦嵴踌筷模崮日典弥拢著菜襻璩进茎屎砦婢瞎藻抑崾 The direction of eyes is different with the finger point---lying! (大脑在努力编造故事,造成肢体语言不一致)。 Turn surrounded while involving something---lying! Willing to stay at the minimum space 痣女集蹿仄秣痣美伽绾蕖侗铑瘕镊魔伤呐菏墅喈铪喵殡 对话中下意识的退缩(退步,双臂十字交叉 )—--肢体阻抗:刚说的那句话不可信 表示在撒谎 Flinching subconsciously when talking stands for body impedence 器鸫峒麓宠虔研但羽愫售饨喂襟蠡镓奴褂幸濞艨贼谔 more eye contact ----to make sure that the listener believe him 人



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