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* By the time I got outside,the bus had already left. Say something about April Fool’s Day. What happened to you? How had he fooled you? A:What’s your joke? B:…. Exercises: Put the following into English: 1当他到达学校的时,老师已经开始上课了。 2. 当我出来的时候,汽车已经走了。 When I got outside, the bus had already left. When he got to school, the teacher had already started teaching. 3. 在我拿书包以前我把门关了。 4. 她做完作业之前,他爸爸已经回来了。 By the time she did her homework, her father had already come back. By the time I took my bag, I had closed the door. 1Orson Wells announced that the alien from Mars had landed on the earth. 2Wells was so convincing that thousands of people believed. 3 By the time the authorities revealed that the story was a hoax, hundreds of people had fled from their homes. THE FIRST STORY Write “ T ” or “F ” T F F the aliens from Mars had landed on the earth. Orson Wells He announced that He was so convincing that panic set off across the whole country. panic THE SECOND STORY Read and answer the following questions 1 Why would there be no more spaghetti? 2What happened to the spaghetti at last? Retell the passage Key words: 1…a reporter in England…because… 2Many people …their local supermarket… 3…,all of the spaghetti… Listen and answer : What happened to the TV star? “Marry” 的用法: 1 get married =be married,意为“结婚”, get/be married to sb,与某人结婚。 Eg:The girl got/was married to a doctor. 2 marrry sb. 嫁给某人、娶某人Eg:He married a girl from America. . 3marry sb to sb.把某人嫁给某人、为某人娶某人。 Eg:He married his son to a beautiful girl. 注:与某人结婚不用“with”,只有be married to sb.结构 *


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