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Dance Rules (2009): Appendix 1 2009RCJ舞蹈-附则1 RoboCupJunior (International) Robotics Performing Arts -- Graz, 2009 Note: The following information applies specifically to the International RCJ event to be held in July, 2009 in Graz, Austria. 注意:以下信息专供2009奥地利格拉茨RCJ大赛使用。 Changes from 2008 rules are highlighted in red. 与2008规则不同之处将会用红色标明。 These rules to be read in conjunction with the document: RoboCupJunior (International) DANCE Rules -- Graz 2009. 请与《2009RCJ舞蹈规则》一起阅读 1. STAGE.舞台 1.1.1. The dance stage will be a flat area. The size of the performance area for Graz will be a marked rectangular area of 6 x 4 m for robots (with the 6m side facing the judges). Human members can perform inside or outside this marked area. 舞台场地为一块平坦的区域。格拉茨的舞台区域规定机器人在标志的6米*4米矩形区域内表演,表演的参赛队员可在这一标志区域外。 5. JUDGING. 评判 5.2. Officials. 工作人员 5.2.1. Performances will be judged by a panel of at least three officials, at least one of whom will judge all performances. This panel may be different to that assessing the interviews. Interviews will be judged by two officials, at least one of whom will be the same as one of the performance judges. 表演将由至少三名工作人员评审,其中至少一名将评审所有的表演。这组人将不同于面试的人员。面试将由两名工作人员评审,其中至少一人也是表演的评审人员。 5.2.2. The at least three officials for performances and at least two officials for interviews will be designated prior to the tournament. 至少三名评审表演和至少两名评审面试的工作人员将在赛前确定下来。 5.2.3. The officials shall not have any close relationship with any of the teams of the teams in the age-group they judge. 工作人员不应与参赛队伍有任何密切关系。 7. CODE OF CONDUCT.操行 7.3. Mentors. 7.3.1. Mentors (teachers, parents, chaperones and other adult team-members) are not allowed in the student work area, except to assist carrying equipment in or out of the area as teams arrive or depart, and to assist with moving equipment on or off the stage. If a problem is encountered with a computer or other device that is clearly beyond the reasonable ability level of a student to repair, a mentor may request permission from the organize


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