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A particle moving along a straight 質點 移動 沿著 直線 line is subigected to a deceleration =-2 減速度 where v is s=10m when to determine its velocity position when 速度 [SOL]: [補充知識] =. 本題所用公式 (若a等於常數) = 則 解: =11.9(m) or 7.9(m) 不合 代入…..(1) …..ans(1) ……...ans(2) 12-80 The pitcher thnws the baseball horizontally 投手 丟 棒球 水平 With a speed of 140from a height 速率 每秒140英呎 Of 5ft. If the batter is 60ft away determine 打者 the time needed for the ball to arrive at 球 the batter the height h at which it passes the batter [補充] (若a為常數) 【Sol】: 由S=So+Vot+at2 水平方向 ← 60=0+140t+(0)t2 60=140t t≒0.42(秒) ─ Ans(1) 垂直方向 ↑ h=5+0(t)+ g(0.42)2 h=5+(-32.2)(0.42)2 =2.04(ft) Ans(2) Home-Work 12-96 12-21 The box negligible size is sliding down along a curved path 盒子 忽 略 滑 動 沿 著 彎曲 defined by the parable g=0.4x2 when it is at A【XA=2m、yA=1.6m】 定義 抛物線 the speed is VB=8m/s2 & the increase in speed is d VB /dt=4m/s2. 增 加 速率 Determine the magnitude of the acceleration of the box at this 數值大小 加速度 在這一瞬間 instant. <補充>: ds=ed==k k= (ds)2=(dx)2+(dy)2 =(ds)2()2 (ds)=dx()2=()2─① tan= =tan-1() =-------2 == [sol] 12-123 一質點的運動路徑可以方程式X=(2t+t)m與y=(t)m表示,試求出t=2s時速度極加速度切線與法線方向的大小 [sol] X=(2t+t)m Y=tm A:切線速度大小為7.2法線速度大小為2.77法線加速度大小為0.56 12-150 一塊件以的速率在一轉盤中的導槽移動,其中t的單位為秒若此轉盤以一等角速度brad/s旋轉,若該塊件自中心由靜止啟動試求t=1s時此塊件速度與加速度的大小 [補充] r=切線速度 = 【sol】: =4t=4 =6 =0 =4 ==4t dr=4tdt r=2t r-0=2(1-0) r=2 = r+r =4r+(2)(6) =4r+12 v===12.6()―Ans(1) =(-r2)r+(r+2 ) =【4-(2)(6)r+2(0)+2(6)(4)】 =-68r+48 =83.2()―Ans(2) 12-158 具有導槽的AB桿驅動C插銷沿著r=(1.5)ft的螺旋導槽


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