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1.松嫩平原盐碱土对水稻叶绿素含量的影响 摘 要 :采用盆栽法,研究了不同盐碱胁迫对吉89-45和吉农大10的叶绿素总量、叶绿素a和叶绿素b含量的影响。结果表明,同一盐碱胁迫处理下,生育前期叶绿素含量低,之后逐渐增加,到抽穗期达最大值,然后又开始下降,2个品种叶绿素含量变化趋势基本一致。各处理的叶绿素含量始终低于对照。另外,不同处理中叶绿素a含量的变化范围始终大于叶绿素b含量的变化范围。 关键词:盐碱胁迫;水稻;叶绿素含量 1. Effect of Saline-Alkali Soil from Songnen Plain on Chlorophyll Content in Rice Abstract: Effect of different saline-alkali stress on chlorophyll, chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b contents of two rice cultivars (Ji 89-45 and Jinongda 10) were studied with pot experiments. The chlorphyll contents were low at the early growth stage, then increased gradually and reached the highest value at the flowering and milk stage, and no difference in change tendency of chlorphyll content between the two cultivars was found. Chlorphyll contents under the stress treatment were lower than those under control treatment. In addition, the variable range of chlorphyll a content was always wider than that of chlorophyll b content. Key words: saline-alkali stress; rice; chlorophyll content 摘要:本文论述经典弹性理论中的接触问题。它从基本原理着手,给读者提供这门学科的必威体育精装版信息,使读者扩大关于接触问题的所急需的知识面。 Abstract: This article presents an account of contact problems in the classical theory of elasticity. It starts from fundamentals and aims to provide the reader with information on recent developments in this subject that he will need to widen his horizon of contact problems. 2.转C4 基因水稻的生理表现 摘要: 以C3 水稻原种(WT) 和C4 玉米为材料,研究了转PEPC + PPDK + ME 基因水稻( PKM) 的C4 光合酶活性、不同光温条件下光合参数和水分利用效率、活性氧代谢等指标。结果表明, PKM水稻饱和光合速率介于WT 和C4 玉米之间,稍偏向玉米,而水分利用效率与WT 接近。由于玉米C4 基因的导入,PKM 水稻高表达了相关的C4 光合酶。在高光和高温条件下,PKM 水稻光合速率比原种提高55 %以上。另外,虽然PKM 水稻光合速率增加,但蒸腾速率亦升高,因此PKM 水稻的水分利用效率略有增加,偏向原种。在光氧化条件下,PKM 水稻耐光氧化能力进一步增强。 关键词: 转基因水稻; 光合特性; 水分利用效率 2. Physiological Performance of Transgenic Rice Expressing C4 Genes Abstract : In this study , the activities of C4 photosynthetic enzymes (including PEPC , PPDK, ME and MDH) , t he gas exchange parameter s and water use efficiency (WU E) under different light intensities and temperatures , and the metabolic index of active


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