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27 6 煤 矿 机 械 Vol27No6 2006 6 Coal Mine Machinery Jun 200 6 : 2006) 1 2 , ( 1 , 063103; 2 , 063020) : 托辊是整条带式输送机的主要部件, 使用数量多, 形式多样, 价格昂贵托辊选择是 否合理, 接影响带式输送机初期投资, 也将影响带式输送机的使用维修, 更会影响带式输送机使 用寿命因此, 合理的选择和使用托辊非常重要 : 托辊 径; 辊子载荷; 托辊形式 : TD528 : A Reasonable Calculating and Form Choice of Idlers in Design of Conveyors 1 2 RAN Long- he , WANG Cui- qing ( 1. Technical Research and De elopment Center of Kailuan Federation Electromechanical Factory, Tangshan 063103, China; 2. Training School of T angshan College, T angshan 063020, China) Abstract: Idlers are the main parts in belt con eyors, which are quite expensi e. There are arious types of them and they are mostly used. Whether the choice of the idlers is reasonable will directly affects the earlier in estment, the usage and the reparation of them. So it is ery important to choose and utilize idlers. Key ords: idler diameter; roller load; idler form 0 ; , V V V 3 V 2 : 100, - 100; 10, - 10 ( 3) , , , , , 2 : 4 ; Fig. 4 Optimized FEM model of skeleton : [ 1] . [ C] . , 1990. 4 [ 2] , . MSCNastran [ C] . 4 ( 2001 MSC.Software ,2001: 45- 48. [ 3] Rong J H, Xie Y M,


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