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桂林电子科技大学 工业设计专业设计考察报告 课 题: 家具设计历程探讨 学 院: 艺术与设计学院 专 业: 工业设计 学生姓名: 李XX 学 号: X 指导教师单位: 艺术与设计学院 指导老师: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 摘 要 中国家具产业,历史悠久,源远流长。自夏朝起,家具就已在中国大地出现,一直发展到今天,家具产业更是蒸蒸日上。跟随着改革开放的历史车轮,中国家具产业取得了前所未有的发展,特别随着改革的深入,广东珠三角,长三角洲地带的经济猛速提升,市场需求稳步提升,促使家具行业也随着生产技术的不断更新、品种的不断增加、专业化生产的逐渐形成和管理水平的不断提高,也实现了迅速发展。 为期10天的工业设计专业广东站考察。首先,我们对深圳仁豪家具发展有限公司(企业展厅、生产车间)进行参观。走遍罗浮宫国际家居中心,宜家家居等家具卖场,亲自体验家具从设计到最终的销售,再到使用。我们深深地体会到家具,作为人类生存的重要元素,它没有时空的界限,也没有国界,家具产品与人们的生活息息相关。除了实用是最基本的前提外,还必须具备材质美、工艺美和艺术美的高度和谐,其中既实用又符合功能要求的材质美尤为重要。如何在利用传统材料的同时,开发新型功能性材料给给我们提供了无限的灵感和遐思。 关键词: 实木家具、板式家具、风格化、材质、加工工艺、功能、金属 Abstract Chinas furniture industry, has a long history and goes back to ancient times.Since Mia dynasty, has been developed to today, the furniture industry is booming.Along with the reform and open policy the wheel of history, the Chinese furniture industry has achieved unprecedented development, particularly with the deepening of the reform, Guangzhou pearl river delta, delta economic increase sharply, market demand rising steadily, to the furniture industry also along with the continuous renewal of production technology, increasing varieties, specialization of production gradually formed and the continuous improvement of management level, also achieved rapid development. A 10-day industrial design major of Guangzhou stand.First of all, we in Shenzhen RenHao furniture co., LTD (enterprise), the production workshop to visit.Throughout all the Louvre international furniture center, Ikea furniture stores, such as furniture personally experience from design to final sales, to use.We deeply understand the furniture, as the important element of human existence, it does not have the boundaries of time and space, no national boundaries, furniture products is closely related to peoples life.In addition, practical is the most basic premise must have material highly har


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