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毕 业 设 计(论 文)题 目:我国企业逆向物流的管理策略分析 学 院: 机 械 工 程 学 院 专 业: 工 业 工 程 班 级: 工 业 工 程 2 班 姓 名: 学 号: 指导教师: 日 期: 2014 年 6 月 4 日 我国企业逆向物流的管理策略分析摘要近年来,人们在享受全球经济迅猛发展所带来的硕果的同时,倍受能源紧张、资源环境破坏等一系列问题的困扰。为在全球经济新一轮的分配中站稳脚跟,企业开始将“橄榄枝”投向了物流业的新领域----逆向物流,他们希望通过有效的逆向物流管理达到节约成本、增加客户满意度、保护环境的目的。汽车制造业是中国的朝阳产业,其发展对于中国国民经济的发展也会起推动作用。目前,我国汽车制造业逆向物流管理意识淡薄;另外,在逆向物流过程中存在机械化程度低、专用设备少、资金缺乏和技术力量薄弱、信息化程度落后等诸多因素。因此,本文主要以汽车制造行业为例来分析我国企业实施逆向物流管理过程中遇到的问题和应对措施。 【关键词】汽车制造业;逆向物流 ;管理策略Analysis of Chinas Enterprises In reverse Logistics Management StrategyAbstractIn recent years,the rapid development of the global economy in the enjoyment of the fruits brought about the same time,much troubled by energy shortages,environmental destruction and a series of resource issues.To gain a foothold in the new round of global economic distribution,the companies began to“olive branch”to invest in new areas of the logistics industry ---- reverse logistics,they hope to achieve cost savings through effective reverse logistics management,increase customer satisfaction purpose of protecting the environment.Chinas automotive industry is a sunrise industry,the development of the development of Chinas national economy will play a catalytic role.At present,Chinas automotive industry weak sense of reverse logistics management;addition,the low level of mechanization,less equipment,lack of funds and technical strength is weak,the degree of information and many other factors behind the existence of the reverse logistics process.Therefore,this paper mainly in the automobile manufacturing industry as an example to analyze problems of enterprises to implement reverse logistics management and response measures encountered in the process.【Keywords】 Automobile manufacturing ;Reverse logistics ; Management strategies目录摘要IAbstractII1 绪论11.1 我国企业逆向物流发展现状11.2企业逆向物流中存在的问题11.2 研究内容与方法32 逆向物流概述52.1逆向物流的定义52.2 逆向物流的特点62.3 逆向物流的处理方法82.4逆向物流的意义103 逆向物流管理的流程分析123.1 逆向物流管理业务123.2 逆向物流管理的流程分析133.2.1 零售商逆向物流管理的流程133.2.2 分销商逆向物流管理的流程143.2.3
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