Analysis on the Similarities and Differences of Two Giants of the Lost Generation汇.doc

Analysis on the Similarities and Differences of Two Giants of the Lost Generation汇.doc

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Analysis on the Similarities and Differences of Two Giants of the Lost Generation汇

Analysis on the Similarities and Differences of Two Giants of the Lost Generation I Introduction The early decades of the 20th century is a period of unparallelled significance in the history of America. The whole country has gone through two world wars and the greatest and the most influential economic depression, which has thrown profound effect upon the country in various aspects. Especially the World WarⅠnot only destroys the traditional value of American society, but also creates a group of young writers who are called the Lost Generation. Most of them share the resemblances such as they have once involved in the World WarⅠand has been depressed by the meaningless fighting; they gradually realize the truth of the war and become tired of it, and this leads to their pessimistic emotions; some of them foresee the doom of the economic booming during the roaring 20s, thus reveal the disillusionment of the American Dream. The sameness of their work is to reflect the lost feeling and emotion in the post war society of America. Among them, two figures stand out as the representatives for the Lost Generation, Earnest Hemingway and F Scott Fitzgerald. The term Lost Generation is popularized by Ernest Hemingway who uses it as one of two contrasting epigraphs for his novel, The Sun Also Rises. In that volume Hemingway credits the phrase to Gertrude Stein, who is then his mentor and patron. In A Moveable Feast, first published in 1964, the origin of this term is explicated: It was when we had come back from Canada and were living in the rue Notre-Damedes-Champs and Miss Stein and I were still good friends that Miss Stein made the remark about the lost generation. She had some ignition trouble with the old Model T Ford she then drove and the young man who worked in the garage and had served in the last year of the war had not been adept, or perhaps had not broken the priority of other vehicles, in repairing Miss Steins Ford. Anyway he had not been serieux and ha



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