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在学院中澳班毕业典礼上的讲话(中英文对照)(精选多篇) 第一篇:在学院中澳班毕业典礼上的讲话(中英文对照) 在学院中澳班毕业典礼上的讲话 熊友山 2014年6月14日 尊敬的博士山学院院长马多克先生、尊敬的拜德女士、各位老师、同学们: 大家上午好! good morning! mr. john maddock, ms. jill baird, honored guests, colleagues and students: 今天,这里充满了节日的欢愉、收获的喜庆,我们相聚在这里,为学院首届中澳合作班举行隆重的毕业典礼,和同学们共享收获的喜悦,共话别离的眷恋,在学院中澳班毕业典礼上的讲话(中英文对照)。 we get together on this particular festival with enjoyment to celebrate the first graduation ceremony of the joint program between hubei communications technical college and boxhill tafe institute, and so we share the joy of graduation and the sentiment of leaving. 对毕业班的同学们来讲,今天是个特殊的日子,你们已经完成三年学业,即将开始又一个新的人生起点。 today is a very special day for the graduates since youve completed 3 years academic study, and will begin a whole new social and working life. 在此,我代表学院,向各位毕业生表示最热烈的祝贺! hereby, on behalf of our college, please allow me to offer my warmest congratulations on your success! 向为同学们的成长付出辛勤劳动的各位老师表示最诚挚的敬意,也向始终关注着同学们成长的博士山tafe学院的同仁们表示最衷心的感谢! meanwhile, id like to express my sincere gratitude towards all the tutors and colleagues of both colleges! 经过中澳双方教师三年来的辛勤工作和同学们的共同努力,2014届中澳合作班的同学们取得了丰硕的成果: the year 2014 joint program graduates have made a great achievement under the great endeavors of both tutors and students: 55名同学均顺利毕业,其中39人获得博士山tafe学院英文证书,9人获得中文证书,中澳双证获得率为87.3%;物流职业资格证书获得率为100%,英语过级率为98.2%, there are 55 graduates who have completed their academic study. among them, 39 graduates have got tafe diploma of english, and 9 graduates have got tafe diploma of chinese, it’s up to 87.3% of the total graduates who have got the recognize of both colleges. all of the graduates have got the job qualification certificate of logistics. 98.2% of the graduates have passed national college english test. 其中1人通过英语六级,16人通过英语四级;5名同学获得学院优秀毕业生,发言稿《在学院中澳班毕业典礼上的讲话(中英文对照)》。同时同学们充分发挥了项目英语学习的优势,两名同学将分别赴加拿大与澳大利亚继续深造,其他同学均已在各类企业中找到理想的岗位。 i want to address that one particular graduate has passed the band 6, and 16 of them have passed the band 4. 5 of them are recognized as outstanding gradua


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