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SimultaIleous production of multi—walled carbon nanotubes and hydrogen by ethan01 decompositionAbstractIn tllis wofl【,a concept of the simultaneous production of muIti-walled ca,bonn肌atubesOⅡwcNTs)and hydrog∞丘_0m ethanol decomposition has been elaborated. Ethanol decompositionⅥ榔stl|died over Fe/A1203、co,A1203锄d Ni,A1203 ca诅lyStswhich were preparcd us|mg a hydmtllemal method.ne e胁of the ca缸JyStcompon∞‘metalloadings and re∞tion tempemtures on the perfbmance ofhydrogen production孤d the qu“耐ofMwcNTs were sy妣mancauy investigated by means of GC,BET,XRD,EDS,SEM·BEI,TEM.1k gro们h mech锄isms of MWCNrs over t11e di髓rent ca协lysts were proposed.111e role ofhydmgen in CvD synmesis of MwCNTs w嬲emphatically studicd.Based on mc products of enl粕ol dccompoSition锄d the related t11ermodynamics analysis,a preliminary stIldy 0n曲e reaction ofethanol出composm伽w髂camed out.0咀the basis of the锄ount of hydrogen pfoduction柚d tlle qual时of MwcNTgro毗tlle results show tllat me five sarnples of Co(10%(m01)),A1203,Co(20%(m01))/A1203,Fe(40%(m01)),A1203,Co(50%(m01)),A1203 arc tIle suitable catalySts for e廿laIlol decomposition t0 produce hydrogen at舳optimum teInperatIlre of600℃in 50 miIl,锄d the total锄ount ofhydmgen reached t0 6894,7545,8226 8545 pmol,rcspcctively.According t0 TI!M images,the growtll mechanisms of MWCNTs In et}1锄ol dccomposition over Co/A1203,N姒1203锄d Fe,A1203 catalySts were followmg舭 base—gr。叭h mode,tip一霉-owtll mode and a mixture of tip—gro、vth and b勰e1即wth mode, respectively. Some open-ended MwcNTs、№rc obtained by etll柚oldecomposition,indicating that the certain amount of hydrogen participated-m tlle reaction to fom C—H bond tllat occurred on n忙nanotube ends.In addition to carb伽deposjtion on the catalyst雏d a higll yield ofhydrogenⅡfbmation in tail g船,a cenain percem of Co锄d觚insi印ificaIltly small percent ofCH4彻d C02 were fornled的m劬a110l decomposition.111e姗ount of H2 aIld C0 incrcased wim the temperature rising,aIld in conh_ast,C02锄d CH4 decre嬲ed w油 tcmperaturcs.Based on me aboVe res



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