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A bs trac tM ine gas outburst is one of the m ain disasters w hich m ine production,Itshould us that grasp the gasoccurrence and em ission laws,to preventthe outburst.ThispaperanalysisX iaoqing M ine geologicalstructure,coalsedim entary characteristics,roofand floorlithology,m agm atic rock distribution and hydro-geologicaland otherfactors affectgas deposit,and sum m arizing the coalseam gas depositlaw .U sing the m ethod of m ultiple linearregression predictes gas content Ida.A nd com prehensive analysis of the collected gas m ining areas on the basis ofgeological data,com bined w ith gray relationaltheory,artificialneuralnetw ork m ethod ofm ining areaisnot m ade of gas em ission prediction and evaluation,carried outon the X iaoqing m ine gas outburst risk zoning.Studies suggestthat:4-2 m ine coalseam gas content in the whole show gradual increase from northeastto southw esttrend ofthelargergas contentofthe southw est;7 coalseam gascontentin coalseam thesam etrend and 4-2,the m axim um also find in the southw estofIda; 4-2coalgas em ission in coal from the north and south sides of the centralsouth side gradually increased gasem ission in the southw esta m axim um value;7 coalgasem ission trendsand 4-2in the sam e coalseam ,H owever,changes in m agnitude from the pointof view ,significantly larger than the northern southw est. C oal gas outburst danger zone sm aller range, m ost w ere non-prom inentarea ofgas.K ey W ords: G as hosting features; M ultiple linear regression ; G as em ission projections;G rey;N euralnetw ork- II -目录摘要 ...........................................................................................................IA bstract............................................................................................................II1 绪论 ...............................................................................................................11.1 问题的提出 .............................................................................
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