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基于VOIP的综合接入媒体嘲关中的ACIA功能设计 中文摘要基于VOIP的综合接入媒体网关中的ACIA功能设计 中文摘要综合接入媒体网关是现存的PSTN网络向下一代网络(NGN)过渡或演进的关键设 备,它对于保护用户投资,实现PSTN网络与NGN的网络融合和业务融合有着特别重 要的意义。其负责PSTN/ISDN的汇接接入,将其接入到IP网络,能够在电路交换网 和分组网之间进行代码转换。本文设计的综合接入媒体网关AG(Access Gateway),通过业务功能卡实现PSTN 及基本补充业务,VOIP和ADSL等业务,将现有的窄带用户连接NGN实现宽带业务, 达到运营商目前需求的“一站式’’服务。本文首先结合现存PSTN网络向NGN网络演进的发展现状,提出AG的组网方式, 对AG系统的整体框架进行描述,进而对实现有关业务的功能模块分别进行详细说明, 介绍本系统提供的业务功能,最后从软件和硬件方面讨论整体框架的系统性能。其次重点讲述VOIP业务卡的设计,引入VOIP技术的概念,结合VOIP技术的发 展现状,分析几种VOIP的接入方案,具体描述了VOIP业务卡ACIA(Asynchronous Communication Interface Adapter)功能的设计过程。最后介绍了AG的应用实例,利用现场的组网方式和系统配置,对AG系统的性能进行了测试,包括:宽带基本功能、可控组播及多业务承载能力;AG的接入功能及 与软交换的互通性;AG的维护管理支撑能力。具体讲述几个测试项目的测试环境和 测试步骤,以及现场测试结果和分析评价。结果表明本系统性能优越,能很好地适应 市场需求。关键词:NGN,软交换,VOIP,ACIA,综合接入媒体网关作者:徐晖 指导教师:王加俊Design of the Functions ofACIA in Integrated Access Media Gateway Based VOIPAbstractDesign of the Functions of ACIA in Integrated AccessMedia Gateway Based VOIPAbstractIntegrated Access Media Gateway is a Key Equipment for the transition or evolution of the PSTN to the next generation networks(NGN).It is of great significance for theprotection the users’investments and for the realization of the network and service fusionsbetween the PSTN and the NGN.It is responsible for the connection between the PS田N/ISDN and the IP network and can be used to realize the conversion of code between the circuit switching network and the packet switching network, and realized the connecting of PSTN/ISDN and IP network.The PSTN and its general complementary services,the VOIP and ADSL services ale realized by means of some functional cards in the integrated access media gateway AG(Access Gateway)designed in this thesis.By connecting the narrow band subscribers to the NGN through our system,the wider band services call be realized in a“One-stop’’ manner.This theses firstly proposed a scheme for the configuration of the network of AG in combination with the evolution status of the PSTN to the NGN,described the overall framework of AG and the modules realizing


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