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A bstraC tTit!e:NA R R O W PU LSED PO W ER SO U R C EMajor:DetectionT6 chnologyandAutom aticEquiPm entNam e:Hongbin SHEN5igna,u『e噢憋少SuP ervisor:Prof.Q iLl signature二..亘主竺.Lecturer.N ianlong SO NGS亩gnaturA bstr8C tPulsededdyeurren之testing 15an im Portantnon一destruetive testing m ethod,and one of theimPortantdeveloPm entsofeddy currenttesting inreeentyears.pulsed eddy eurrenttesting 15earried outtransientanalysisofinduetive m agnetic field.D irectm easurem entby m axim umtim eofinduetivem agnetiefieldto earryoutdefeetdeteetion inthelargeareaofthedeteetion ofeomPlex stru etures,Itsm otivation m odeofw idefrequeney rangegetsm oredefe ets.50 w ithoutehangingtheProbeand thefrequencyofineentive,Justonetimeseanningcanbeeom Pletedonthe quantitative deteetion ofdefe ctsb y testing on sPeeim en defectsoflarge area and diffe rentdePth.Pulsed eddy currenttesting ean aeeuratelydetectw orkPieeeParam etersintheliquid,gasand dustenvironm entand harm lessto the hum an body inaetualoPeration Proeess.Inthisw aythe sensorw illenable long一term stabilityand noteasy to dam ageatw ork.H ow ever,the frequeney ,Pulse w idth and Pulse am Plitude ofexeitation souree have theim Portantinfluenceto theeffe etofPulsed eddyeurrenttesting .This PaPerfo eusesonexeitationsoureeoftheeffe etofdeteetionresultand designanarrow Pulseexeitationsouree.IteanoutPutfrequency,Pulse w idth an d Pulse am Plitude w ith safe and eonvenient m anner.ThroughexPerim entaltest,itallow stestresultseontain som e ofadvantage.forexam Ple:good effe et,good raPidity,W ide detection range and high signal一noise ratio and 50 fo rth.T he m ajn contentsareasfo ]】ow s:(l)Study on the PrineiPle ofnondestruetive testing and the PrineiPle and aPPlieation ofeddycurrenttesting:(2)Accesstoa large num berofIiterature,analysisofa variety。)fim Plem entationm ethod ofPulsed Pow erand eom Pare theiradvant:一ges and disadvantages fr()一11Various angles;(3)In analyz



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