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英文摘要A BSTRA CTW iththe gradualdeveloPm entofournationalInform ationalization,Inform ationsystemshavethemoreandmoreimPortantefi笼eton PeoPle’5W orking and life.50 thesee硕ty ofthe infonnation system s and the infonnation directly afl七etthe PeoPle‘sworking and life,eventhesoeiety’ssustainableand stabledeveloPment.50,how tom ake inform ation system on the safe side 15 the m ost加PortantPointin the task ofi川沁rm a丘on sec而ty.H ierarchicalP roteetion 15 the fundam entaltask o finform ationsee硕ty.It15one ofthe im Portantm eansto 汕Prove the eons如etion ofguaranteesystem of inform ation seeurity.The aim of hierarehicalProteetion of inform ationsee诚ty15to 汕Prove our nationalinformationalization,to favor the eons如etion ofguaranteesystem ,andtoenhaneethedefendingabilityofinform ation system .H ow ever,the researeh ofhierarehiealProtection in oureountry 15a new field .50,there 15littlereseare h on the structure ofthe see硕ty dom ain and m ethod ofPartition ofsec而tydomain.Inthiseireumstance,thisPaPerwanttoaPPlytotheresearehonthes如etureofthe see丽tydom ainand m ethod ofPartition ofsee而tydom ain.H oPe thatthisPaPerean favorthe develoPm entofthe task ofhierarehicalP rotection ofi川沁rm ation seeurityinoureountry.ThisPaPerfirstly contrastsee硕ty dom ain w ith trusted dom ain,deseribe them ieroeosm ie coneePtion.In the Progress ofm ieroeosm ic investigation ofsee硕tydom ain,deseribe the m ieros如cture and rhe interactionalbehaviorand from thebehavior of the seeurity Pointofview,deseribe the relationshiP behaviorbetw eenelem entsand see硕ty rule.and then beg in w ith Ploting see 而ty do m ain ,bring forw ardth e m aero eoneePtion ofsee而ty dom ain.hithe see而ty dom ain ofth e m aero一study.deseribe the m aeros如eture and interactionalbehaviorofsecurity dom ain.and thencom bined w ith the m ieroeosm ie eoneeP tion and the m aeroeosm iceoneePtion ofthesee硕tydom ain,illustratethetheoryandthem ethodof


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