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一种新型钢筋隔震器的研究AbstractEafthqIlake is sefious natufal disaster, which lhrealen humall sociely’s pfodllction and lifc, so the seismic reseafch counl for much lo human lives and societal properties.Traditional anti-earthquake method base on the enhancement of s耄lⅥctufe’s seismie l|csislanee capabili专y1beafing capaei专y,figid主耄y;duelil主ly)lo fesisl earthquakes,that is,by the structure itself to deposit and consume the earthquakee鼗efgy+l专is a pass主ve薹矬e耄酗d堇矬ai建妻o feg蠢fd“鑫纛专i,,as p}i纛ciple。As soeie重y adVa珏ees,the traditional anti-earthquake method can not mlly meet the needs of modern people, lhis e藏ables lhe seismlc isolalio霰mel量lod lo app∞ac量l lhe幻ells of allent沁藏班ofe鑫娃d more.Based on the theories and the application results at present,using combined isolalion fubbef beafing seems to be a malufe method of seismic iso王ation, but there are still many pfoblelns to be solved dufing its application. There董Dft董lis paper proposes a new steel seismic isolatof in order to solVe some of these problems.This palpef is mainly to dis|cuss lhe&asibilily of l量lis new kind of seisl鞋ie isolalio秘mel纛odby theoretic analysis.弧is papef嚣fslly i程lfod毯ces basiIc pfineiple鑫nd a‘薹va程lages of base isola£轴觳, secondly proposes a now kind of steel seismic isolator,introduces its structure and disc毽sses pafal矬elefs seleclio蘸of ils compolle琏1.Besid霉s,lhe sil矬lllale撒elllod by ANSYS of this steel seismic isolator趣proposed based on the estimate of PKPM(A kind of ciVil engineefi摅g design soRware).The韪nile elelnenl models afe rendefed lo analysis the lnechanical perfbfl技ance of the lfadilional anti·eaflhquake struc重ure andthe seismic iso】ation struclure.And the fcasibility of this new sleel seismic isolalor isd主seussed。弧is pllp。f also discuss l董le s£abilily pl静blem of l耋重e new slyle steel seisl毪ieisolator by considering the curVed deformation and shearing deformation at the same lil蚕e,簌珏d c8rr主es o珏the专heory eale糕至a乞io魏◇f the hor主zo鞋t8l莲主sp王aee毽e纛t of the isolator,which may help lhe龟rther study of this new s



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