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摘要科技的高速发展产生了新的传播媒介,丰富了人们的阅读手段。然而,新的媒介 与书籍等传统媒介的部分功能重叠,尤其是电子阅读器的出现,这给书籍出版业带来 了冲击,也为与书籍相关的各个产业迎来了发展的新机遇。面对信息传播环境的改变,我国书籍设计师适时更新设计观念,摆脱平面的设计 模式,开始研究书籍的整体设计。不再局限于单纯文本的编排,或是封面的平面设计, 从封面、书脊到封底,从环衬、扉页到每一张书页都是设计发挥的空间。中国的书籍 设计已经逐渐成为一个独立的造型艺术体系。突破、创新、继承传统、适应现代、并关注各国书籍产业发展的趋势,设计师改 变传统意识和审美观念,通过多种手段对书籍形态进行大胆尝试,包括在设计中注入 时空概念,对图文等信息形态的秩序化编辑、选择不同材料进行组合对比、利用工艺 实现书籍形态的新美感,充分领悟书籍设计的新概念,寻找新的设计语言,做出符合 作者个性与作品内涵,并具有独立书籍艺术价值的新作品。书籍形态设计的多样化发展,产生了千姿百态的书籍作品,丰富了书籍的文化含 量和艺术魅力,大量优秀的书籍作品涌入市场,提高了书籍市场的整体质量,增强了 其在信息时代文化传播市场中的竞争力。满足了人们日益增长的精神文化需求。关键词:书籍设计、书籍形态、多样化AbstraetTechnology is developing at hi曲speed and bringing the new media and enriching the means of reading with people.But the new media repeated the part of the functional of book. Especially the electronic reader brings a lot of impact to book industry.And it brings new opportunities to books and related to book industry.With the change of the information dissemination of environmental,our book designers update the concept of book design in the appropriate time.They get rid of the patterns of graphic design,to study the overall design in books.Book designers don’t confined to purely text formatting,or cover design.From the cover to the back from the set to each page is the space of design.Chinese book design is becoming an independent system of the plastic arts.Breakthrough,innovation,the traditional,modem and concern to all the books of industry trends,designer change traditional aesthetic values,take a daring attempt of thebooks shape through various means.Including it infuses the concept of time andconcentrates in book design,edits script information in order,search the balance of the different materialS,use the Process of implementation of the books shape realize a new aesthetic,fully realize the new concept of book design, looking for the new design language.Book designers product new books to comply with the author’S character and works connotation and Artistic value ofindependence.With the diversification of the shape of book


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