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卫星故障诊断与维护专家系统的设计与实现A B STRA CTABSTRACTWith the raPid developmentand apPlieation ofmanykindsofsatellite fromChina.Beeause the demand of satellite with eomPlex funetion,high Preeisionand high stability 15 inereasing.TheProjeetsofeontrolsystem beeomemoreandmoreeomplex.The telemetering dataswh ieh needbe transmitted andwatehedgrow more and more.It has resulted in the inerea se of possibility of faultin satellite eontrolsystem.Itneed a lotofenergy forthe designers and bevery diffieult to find outfaultPoints by artifieialmonitor beeause oftheeomPlex and diverse styles of fault.The designers should make and verifydeeisionsin shorttime afterfinding outfaultpoint、,bu tit15 very diffieultand Pressed for time and eauses delay or hindranee of salvage.5 0 it 15 ne eessary for us to e onstrueting a kind of ExPert System,whiehhas sueh funetions as data Proeessing ,failure warning,fault diagnosis and5imulation and deeision suPPort50 as to ensure faultdeteetion ofsatellites against ineorreet and they ean be rePaired raPidly and eorreetly. Theeonstruetion ofthiskind ofExPertSystem 15 one ofthe mostimportantfaetorsfor satellites to be normaloperation.The expertsystem 15 able to imProve own learning and Perform anee,butit15 based upon one more eomPlex data warehouse whose data 15 mass,realtime,eomPlex and diverse.The needs of the system 15 higher reliability,usabilityand seeurityofthe dates.Finally itshould suPPorthigh effieieneydata aeeess.In this ease,we should design database sehema elaborately and eonsider thesehema translation from the differentdates.It15 neeessary to earry outthedatabase oPtimizing design whieh ineludes aPProPriate and Professionalindexstrueture in order to suPPorthigh effieieney data aeeess.50 we mustuse theadvaneed and oPtimum data mining teehnology as to imProve the funetions offault deteet,fault diagnosis and deeision making.KeywordsSatellite,ControlSy
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