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英文摘要Subject:Kineto—Elasto Dynamic Analysis and Simulation of 4-bar Linkage of the Carbon Fiber Sucker Rod’S Pumping UnitSpeciality:MechanicalElectronic EngineeringName:Zhou Yahui Instructor:Peng YongABSTRACTWith the development of technology and increasingly fierce market competition, machine speeds become faster,machine driver is more power and the fitting of the parts is more precision,the parts are designed lighter.In order to be more accurate movement of mechanism,the component must be as elastic in their Kineto—Elasto Dynamic(KED)analysis. Firstly,this thesis introduces Kineto-Elasto Dynamic analysis methods of the linkage, including kinematics analysis methods and the establishment and simulation of elastic dynamic equation.Through research of the kinematic properties of a 4-bar linkage,thedisplacement,velocity and acceleration of each joint point in a motion period are put forward.Base on the kinematic analysis,In the kinematic analysis based on the use of KED analysis method,the linkage exercise Elastodynamics study found its kinetic parameters.Secondly,applies KED methods in a 4一bar linkage of the pumping unit,introduced itsparsing process in detail.The 4-bar linkage of the pumping unit is divided into finite elementsand researched by KED method.Then kinematic differential equations ale established foreach element and the general kinematic differential equations are built through assembling all the elements.Time finite element method based on three times hermitian interpolation to time domain is employed to solve the equations.ne elastic vibration curves of generalized coordinates in a motion period are obtained;the dynamics stresses in the links are calculated; the change conditions of vibration model of the first order are also obtained.Finally,having applied Visual Basic 6.0,Iprogram the software about 4-bar linkage KED analysis of pumping unit.The software is reliable,and computational solution Cansatisfy the engineering requirement.Take CYJ 8-3-48B as



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