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硕士学位论文摘要摘要随着我国货车速度的不断提高,铁道部对货车超偏载设备的监测 力度也不断加强。高速货车的传感器设计技术对超偏载监测来说是至 关重要的,它决定了超偏载监测设备的更新速度。首先,通过对当前国内外超偏载监测设备上所用传感器的对比, 认识到国内现有传感器的不足与缺陷,在现有钢轨传感器的基础上设 计出一种新型钢轨传感器,并详细讨论了这种传感器的工作原理。在ANSYS软件中建立钢轨的有限元模型,后处理过程中分析钢 轨上应变变化梯度分布图,并做出轴向应变变化趋势曲线图。设计出 弹性体结构,计算不同载荷工况条件下应变片粘贴位置处的具体应变 值和变化趋势。通过组桥电路计算出不同载荷下传感器的电压输出值,然后把这 些理论计算值拟合成一条电压输出曲线,也就是传感器信号输出变化 曲线,并对该传感器理论输出值的线性度进行评价,其研究结论可为 设计制造传感器提供参考。针对现场实际监测过程中货车重量监测值有随行车速度提高而 变小的问题进行了轮轨接触的动力学分析。介绍了轮轨接触的基本原 理以及MARC软件在滚动接触分析方面的优点,并在MARC中建立 轮轨接触的有限元模型,引入速度因子,进行动力学仿真。选择钢轨 有限元模型中的几个关键节点进行分析,分析它们在车辆以不同速度 运行的过程中节点的应力变化曲线图,从图中可以得出随着轮子速度 的提高节点应力值有变小的趋势,由此可得出速度提高是货车载重测 轻的一个重要因素的结论。关键词:超偏载检测,钢轨传感器,有限元分析,轮轨接触模型, 动力学仿真硕士学位论文AB STRACTAs the speed of the freight cars increase unceasingly,Ministry of Railways will strengthen the extent of monitor toward the overload and uneven.10ad detection of the train.Then the development of sensor technology is important to the overload and off-balance detection,which determines the updating speed of measurement equipment.Above all,by means of comparing the sensors of overload and uneven.10ad detection equipment at home and abroad,we realize the fault of the sensors at home.A new rail sensor iS designed;Principle of operation is discussed in detail.The strain at the axial strain sensing position of the sensor is analyzed under FEA theory by using ANSYS.The strain value of strain gage under different load condition iS calculated and variation trend iSfigured out.The voltage output of sensor under different load is calculated,thena voltage output渊e is produced,which will provide much preferencefor sensor manufacturing.On field measuring,find the problem that the data decrease. Ⅵmeel/track contact model in dynamic simulation.The basic principle iS discussed;The Marc has也e virtue of contact analysis.Set up thewheel/track contact model in the Marc.Pick down several points,on the range of different velocity,get the stress data of the point.Atter analyzing the data of point,then get the result that the speed is a import


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