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毒中南大学硕士学位论文AbstractIn reecllt years,olivine-structured LiFeP04 has been 011e of hottest research topic duc to its distinct characteristics of safety,environmental friendliness,low cost, relatively hi庐speeifie capacity and long eyele life.At m髑_cnt,LiFeP04 is usually prepared using ferrous iron SOUrCeS鹊main laW material,md the method is mature inteelmology,whiela,however,is characterized in hi曲cost,high叫t),of protectionatmosphere required 8rid tmstablc product in property.Therefore,exploring new lSW materials and technology for the Inoduetion of LiFelOl has bCCOIIII:缸intensive research topic.Study indicated LiFeP04诵也good proI,硎es could be synthesizedusing fettle iron SOUI∞FePO..The process was simple and 110 extra phosphorus was nee(1eer,whiela was favorable to lowering cost But the technology for 17el,04 production is presently immature,and FeP04 available in market is instable in property and expensive.In order to solve these problems,we systematic,ally studied the methods and preparation conditions for ltae precursor FePO·using byproduct FeS04 from industrial Ti02 production,and proposed the optimal method and experimental conditions for precursor preparation.LiFeP04 with good physical and electrochemical properties was sylathesized using l口eP04勰pf∞u母阻Firstly,impurities elimination WaS applied for FeS04 from industrial Ti02 produetio..rhro.gh comparison of theory and plocodulcS of analytical chemistry and colloid adsorption precipitation,the latter was chosen for its simplc prOCeSS9 easy operation and hi曲etfieieney in impurity dimination.Via orthogonal experiment, optimal conditions for the impurities removal WeIe obtained:4ml I-13P04 WaS applied for 0.1mol FeS04·7H20,rCll砸Oll temperature was 2012 and reaction time was lOmin. And all elimination rate of above 96%for each impurity and a reclamation rate of up to 95%for Fc could be reached.XRD indicated the strueturc and property of u-prepared FeP04 WCIe not influenced by the residual impurities whiela we∞not totall


peili2018 + 关注


