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则增大。3.3 对所得结果做进一步分析:按照传统的量子统计理论,单态激子和三态激子的 生成比值为 1:3,使得电致发光的量子效率不会超过 25%,然而通过考虑三态激子和极 化子的复合过程,发现不发光的三态激子可以转化为发光的单态激子和极化子激发态, 因此提高了有机发光二级管的发光效率,并可以超过 25%,与实验上的发现一致。4.有机共轭聚合物中三态-三态激子湮灭过程研究 在有机发光器件中,还有一个影响发光效率的重要过程就是三态-三态激子湮灭(TTA)过程。前人大量的实验工作指出 TTA 过程生成了可以发光的单态激子,由此带来 了推迟的发光现象,而理论上研究有机共轭聚合物中 TTA 过程仍然存在着许多问题。我们研究了有机发光二极管中三态-三态激子湮灭的动力学演化过程。结果表明: 在链间耦合的作用下,两个三态激子中的电子(空穴)可以在两条链上发生交换,从而 导致了新的激发态生成,TTA 过程的产物包括单态激子、极化子激发态、双激子和双极 化子。这些产物的几率都是随着链间耦合的增大而增加的,而三态激子的几率是减少的, 这一结论与实验发现是一致的。TTA 的产物中,除了单态激子和极化子激发态可以发光 外,双激子也可以放出两个光子回到基态,因此聚合物中的 TTA 过程有利于提高有机 发光二极管的发光效率。关键词:有机共轭聚合物 链间耦合 电致发光 光电导 极化子激子AbstractOrganic conjugated polymers are a new type of functional materials, which are composed of organic materials. Compared with the traditional inorganic materials, organic substances have many advantages such as low cost, easy processing, flexibility, and so on. Organic conjugated polymers can not only conduct, but also light. Therefore, a new cross-subject including physics, chemistry and materials science comes into being, this is organic optoelectronics. The research of organic optoelectronics is mainly on electro-optical properties and preparation of related devices base on organic molecules, conjugated polymers and other organic materials. This subject has become the advancing edge of condensed matter physics and popular research areas. At present, many polymer-based optoelectronic devices have been transferred from a simple experiment into a new kind of practical technology. And the development of television, nano-optoelectronic devices, rolled-up electronic newspapers made of organic materials have been exploring, especially organic electroluminescence now has became the most active one of the fastest growing technology for flat-panel displays, large area flexible display, information storage and processing. These rapid developments on applied technology not only provide a strong experimental basis for the development and design of new organic functional materials, but also pu


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