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硕十’学位论文英文摘要A bstraCtObjective:To analysistheshort一termeliniealouteomeoftreatingforeann defonnityduetoH ereditary M ultiPleExostosesatthedistalendof the ulna by ulna lengthening w ith inlaied extem alfixator,and toProvideevidenee forclinicalreasonableseleeted theraPy.M ethod:AretrosPeetive studyw ascarried outin 26 Patients(28anns)w ho w ere treated foreann deform ity due to H ereditary M ultiPleExostosesatthe distalend oftheulnaby operationsfrom January2005 toSePtember2009.9Patients(9anns)ineluding5maleand4femaleintheunlengthen grouPthattheaverageageatoPeration was8.5years(from 6to 13 years)were treated only by exeision ofexostoses.17 Patients(19anns)ineluding 9 m ale and 8 fema le in the lengthen gro uP that theaverageageatoPeration w as8.7years(from 2 to 19 years)w eretreatedby exeision ofexostoses an d lengthening the ulna with inlaied ex tem alfixator.Th e follow 一uP visit ine luded X 一ray evaluation and funetionalevaluation beforetheoperation and attheend offollow一即.①X一r盯evaluation:Re lative ulnar shortening(RU S );Radialartieular angle(RA A );C呷alslip(CS).②Funetionalevaluation:therangesofaetivee lbow flexion/extensio n ,foreann Pronation/suP in ation ,w ristflexion/extension,w ristradial一deviation/uInar~deviation and the evaluatedSeore ofK力rnrner.硕十学位论文英文摘要R esult:A llofthe Patients w ere follow ed一uP for 7一15 m onths(average10.3士2.2months)afteroperation.①X一r叮evaluationresultsofPatients:R U S、R A A and C S alldeereased notablelyafteroPeration in thelengthen grouP.In the unlengthen grouP there w as only R U S w hichdeereasedlittle.Th e eorr eetion ofthe shortening ofthe uina,bowing ofthe radius,ulnar tiltofthe distalradialePIPhysisand ulnar translocationofthe carpus in the lengthen grouP w as mu eh betterthan wh ieh in theunlengthen grouP by comP arison of the end of follow 一uP in twogrouPs.An d dislo eation ofthe h ead ofth e radius in 6


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