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优秀毕业论文 精品参考文献资料 摘 要 鲁西地块位于山东境内郯庐断裂带以西,露头发育,含有丰富的古生物化石,故而具 有很高的研究程度。但本地区的岩相古地理研究还未取得重大成果。鲁西奥陶系为碳酸 盐岩台地沉积,对于研究海相地层具有重要意义。 自上个世纪起,已经对本区奥陶系进行了大量研究,并建立了不同的岩石地层对比 格架。本文以必威体育精装版年代地层对比划分为依据,结合以往地层对比划分经验,将鲁西地快 奥陶纪地层分为五阶,由下而上分别为:特马豆克阶、弗洛阶、大坪阶、达瑞威尔阶和 桑比阶。特马豆克对应于三山子组 b 段,即冶里组,主要为白云岩沉积;弗洛阶对应于 三山子组 a 段和马家沟组最下部的白云岩段,即亮甲山段和东黄山段,两者均以白云岩 为主;大坪阶对应于马家沟组的北庵庄段,以灰岩为主要岩性;达瑞威尔阶对应于马家 沟组的土峪段和五阳山段,是马家沟第二个灰岩与白云岩旋回;桑比阶对应于马家沟组 最上部的阁庄段、八陡段和新汶段,阁庄段以白云岩为主要岩性,八陡为灰岩段,而新 汶段则是白云岩灰岩砂岩段。主要成果和认识: 1、据 2007 年国际地层委员会提出的年代地层划分方案进行地层划分与对比。 2、认为研究区沉积相类型分为蒸发台地、局限台地和开阔台地。 3、采用优势相分析方法,以奥陶系必威体育精装版划分方案中的阶为单位进行地层划分。 4、鲁西地块的特马豆克阶、弗洛阶和桑比阶以蒸发台地为主要沉积环境,开阔台地 在大坪阶时期发育良好,局限台地分布广泛,从特马豆克阶直到桑比阶均有很好的发育。 关键词:鲁西地块;奥陶纪;年代地层;岩相古地理 ABSTRACT Luxi block locates in the west of the Tanlu faulted zone in Shandong provience with a high research of Ordovicia n strata. There are a lot of fossils of the palaeophyte and profect outcrops.However, it has not yet received enough research of the lithofacie s palaeogeography. Because the Ordovicia n of Luxi is ma inly the carbonate platform, it can be the important part to the research of the marine strata. A lot of study about Ordovicia n in Luxi block has been preceded since the last century. In this paper, the latest framework and the experience of chronostratigraphic classification has been used to divide the Ordovicia n strata into five stairs: Tremadocia n, Floia n, Dapingia n, Darriwilia n and Sandbia n. Tremadocia n equals to “b”paragraph of the Sansha nzi formation, which is ma inly the dolomite; Floia n is equal to the a paragraph of Sansha nzi formation and the lowest dolomite of Majia gou formation, Liangjias han and Donghuangsha n, which are both the dolomite; Dapingia n is Beia nzhua ng and is ma inly limestone; Darriwillia n equals to the Tuyu and Wuyangsha n paragraphs, which is the second cycle of the limestone and dolomite; and Sandbia n is equal to the uppermos t la yer, which includes the Gezhuang paragraph, Badou paragraph and Xinwen paragraph. While Gezhuang paragraph is ma inly dol


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