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Geographical variation of InVasiVe么抛m册历P朋础妇P,D豇蛔inits NatiVe and Introduced RangesAbstnct: Natural enviro]【皿ems arc not uIlifo咖 but heterogeneous, 趾d genetic di疵rentiation is觚impon柚t strategy for org乏misms to copc with heterogeneous habitats. Due t0 spatial V撕ation of sele砸on rcgiIne,mo叩hological,physiological锄d lifc histor)r们its of widely。distributed species may Va巧genetjcally锄ong geo聊hic脚ulatjons.Spatial Variation 0f resourcc aVailability觚d natural enemy prcssurc缸e锄ong the mostimporc锄t fa咖11s“Villg gco影Ipllical V撕ation of pl觚t species,柚d are also considefed勰impetuses for rapid cvolution of inV弱ive cxotic pl觚ts.,This study fhmed a concepnlal model for me ge0伊apllical variation of inv嬲ive cxoticplants.h a common garden experiment,morphology锄d gfowth-defense strategy werc compared锄ong six geo伊aphic populations of彳抛阳口刀历e,口加ffa职,D洳劬m both its natiVe他entina)卸d innoduced∞SA卸d Chilla)mges.ne aim w弱to test thetheofetical prcdictions 0f 0ur conceptual mOdel,觚d t0 cxplOrc the role 0f rcsou溅.enemyinte耐i彻in pl锄t inV豁ions.The main C0nclusions werc summarized as follows:(1)A础泥聊诫如showed si倒fic姐t gco铲印hical V撕ation in mo叩hology觚d 孕Dwth-defense strategy in its native mge,趾d the pattem appearcd to be latitudinally dinal. ne hi曲_latitudc population represented the ex仃eme of“10w-resource ccot)rpe’’in‰ V撕ation contilluum(10w i衄ate鲥)wth,low gro叭h pl嬲ticity柚d high rcsist锄cc t0specialist herbiVore).The low·latitude population rcpresented the懿trcme of“higll.resourCc ecotype”in tlle V撕ation C0ntinuum(high illIlate gro吼h,high growtll pl弱tiCity姐d low resist柚cc t0 specialist herbiVore).Tllle mid·latitude population rcpresented the t砌sitional “iIlte加ediate—resource ecotype”.(2)彳.肋f砌吧rD沈s showed sinlilar latitudinal variation in UsA as in its native range, however,introduced p叩ulatjons sp锄ed a nanDwer ecolo酉cal breadth,i.e.there were 0n】y high-锄d intemediate-rcsource ecotypes in USA aIld China.Ⅱnese conClusions pr0Vide new dues conceming the耐gill of inv嬲iVe phenotypes ofA 肋f厶鱿已m矗玉留in uSA锄d China



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