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东 华 大 学 旭 日工 商 管 理 学 院 金 融 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文A b str a c tT he econ cd ev elop! m t of th e 【:terprise is not on ly tc、’th e ccrtitivem a r i e t e r_、in . b u t to d e ; v ith th e n tric a c ie 、 r ; r k een viro nm en t. P u iia cal co nn ection gen erally refers to th e im p licit or ex p iioii link b etw een th e co m p an y an d the go v ernm ent.T his co ntact m ay h av e so m e im p act o n th e com p any s p erform an ce, fin an cin g, taxation and oth er asp ects. In E con om ic T ran sition P eriod ,b ecau se th e gov ernm ent p lay s a leadin g role in th e so cio -econ om ic, an d act as the role o f th e d istribu tion o f social resources,m any enterprises in ord er to get m ore resou rces an d supp ort from th e gov ernm ent throu gh a v ariety of w ay s w ith th e go v ernm en t o r g ov ernm en t o ffi cials to estab lish p olitical conn ection .D ealin g w ith governm ent th e relation sh ip also co nstitutes an im p ortan t asp ect o f corp orate strateg ic d ecision -m ak in g an d con d u ct of op eratio n s. T his show s th e stu dy of th e co m p any s in v estm en t b eh av io r affected o f p olitical conn ection h as im p ortan t th eo retical an d p ractical significan ce.O n th e b a sis o f literatu re rev iew o f related research , first, it p ro v id es a th eo retical su pport an d d iscu sses th e m ech an ism of th e form ation o f p olitical conn ectio n by introdu cin g th e th eory of so cial capital, governm ent su p p ort h an d and grab bin g h and,,,E ntrep ren eurs in p olitics th eory as w ell as Tent-seek in g th eory. S econ d , it an aly sis o f th e im p act o f the p oliticalconn ection to th e in v estm ent b ehavior of p riv ate enterprises from th e three-pron ged included p o litical conn ection can obtain fin an cin g to facilitate an d ex p an d inv estm ent in sp ace as w ell as th e governm ent b ailout in fin an cial troub le, an d it discu sses m ech an ism



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