06 公共政策评估.ppt

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06 公共政策评估

第四章 公共政策评估 (Public Policy Evaluation) Foreword Policy is not static(静态).Circumstances(情况)are always shifting and changing, which means policies must be periodically examined to ensure they are meeting current needs. Further, policies must be evaluated, to ascertain if they are efficient (good value for money) and effective (delivering the desired outcomes). 第一节 理解公共政策评估 Understanding policy Evaluation 一、公共政策评估的兴起 公共政策评估兴起的推动力: (1)公众; (2)政府; (3)现代科技理论的发展; …… 二、政策评估含义的考察 1、哈罗德·拉斯维尔 appraising function (评鉴功能):就公共政策的因果关系作事实上的陈述。 ——The Decision Process : Seven Categories of Functional Analysis (1971) 2、查尔斯·琼斯 政策评估:政策经执行后,政府有关机关对政策执行的情况,加以说明、检核、批评、度量与分析。其作用在于确认政策是否正确,推断政策之利弊,为将来改进政策提供参考,其属于政策又回到政府的阶段。 3、[美]都会研究所 (1)衡量一项进行中的计划所达成预期目标的效果; (2)根据研究设计的原则区分方案效力与其它环境力量作用的差异; (3)通过执行过程中对方案的修正,使计划得以完善; …… 4、霍格伍德和冈恩 政策评估是介于应然状态和实然状态之间的活动,是实然政策分析和应然政策分析的分界线。 ——布莱恩·霍格伍德和刘易斯·冈恩 5、Yehezkel Dror Policy proposals in informed (消息灵通的)govern-ments are more refined(提炼), based on syste-matic analysis that generates a set of viable (可实行)alternatives that meet the goals within a specified set of boundary(界限)conditions, and on systematic feedback. 6、Thomas Dye Evaluation is the process of learning about the consequences of public policy. ——Understanding public policy 7、约瑟夫·侯利(Joseph S. Wholey ) Policy evaluation is the assessment of the overall effectiveness of a national program in meeting its objectives or assessment , or of the relative effectiveness of two or more programs in meeting common objectives. 8、David Nachmias Policy evaluation research is the objective, systematic, empirical(经验主义)examination of the effects ongoing policies ... have on their targets in terms of goals they are meant to achieve. ——Public Policy evaluation: Approaches and Methods (1979) 9、威廉·邓恩 William N.Dunn 政策评估是这样一个领域的工作,努力用多种质询和辩论的方法来产生和形成政策相关的信息,使之有可能用于解决特定政治背景下的公共问题。 10、林水波、张世贤 政策评估:有系统地应用各种社会研究程序,搜集有关资讯,用以论断政策概念与设计是否周全


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