grammar 现在进行时表将来.ppt

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grammar 现在进行时表将来

Finish your writing. Peer assessment (互评) with your partner. come, go, stay, arrive, leave 等趋向动词的现在进行时经常用于表示将来确切的计划。 2) 表示交通方式、行程安排的动词,例如 fly, walk, ride, drive, take (a bus, a taxi)等的现在进行时也经常用于表示将来。 I am leaving China in two hours. 我将会在两个小时后离开中国。 I am flying to Japan tomorrow. 明天我会飞往日本。 1. 我星期五动身去北京。 2. 我的朋友今晚过来。 3. 下周五我们乘飞机去上海。 4. 下课后我们打算在操场踢足球。 Exercise 1 用现在进行时翻译下列句子。 V. leave / go come play fly 我星期五动身去北京。 I’m leaving for Beijing this Friday. 2. 我的朋友今晚过来。 My friends are coming over this evening. 3. 下周五我们乘飞机去上海。 We are flying to Shanghai next Friday. 4. 下课后我们打算在操场踢足球。 After class we are playing football on the playground. leave / go come fly play The Browns ________ (go) to the North China by train next week. They __________ (stay) in Beijing for a week. They ________ (go) to Xi’an. They __________ (get) there by air. are going are staying are going are getting Exercise 2 Travel Plan R: Miss Wang, I hear that you_________ (travel) along the Mekong River. Have you got everything ready? W: Almost. R: When you ________ (leave)? W: Next Monday. R: How far you _________ (cycle) each day? are travelling are leaving are cycling W: It’s hard to say. If the weather is fine, I think we’ll be able to ride 75 km a day. R: what about the weather in Qinghai Province? W: The weather forecast is not good so we _________ (take) a large parcel of warm clothes with us. R: Where you _________ (stay) at night? W: Usually in our tent, but sometimes in the village along the river bank. are taking are staying R: What happens if you have an accident? W: Don’t worry. I had some medical training at my college. Besides, we _______ (take) out insurance to cover any problems. R: Well, it sounds fun. I hope you’ll have a pleasant journey. Thank you for your time. are taking 表将来的时态其他方法: He will write you a letter next week. We’re not going to have any classes n


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