Reimbursement and Allowance Rules 报销与补贴制度 中 英文.doc

Reimbursement and Allowance Rules 报销与补贴制度 中 英文.doc

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Reimbursement and Allowance Rules 报销与补贴制度 中 英文

XXXXXXXX有限公司报销与补贴制度 Reimbursement and Allowance Rule XXXXXXX有限公司(以下简称“本单位”)的(以下简称“本制度”)hereinafter referred to as the “Rule”) of XXXXXX (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) shall apply to those who have direct or indirect employment or labor relationship with the Company and work for and receive salary from the Company (hereinafter referred to as the “Employee(s)”). 本制度规定了员工的工作时间和工作纪律,所有员工都必须了解这一制度。员工应该遵守本单位的这一制度,以致能被本单位继续雇用。 This Rule stipulates working time and working discipline on behaviors of Employee(s), which should be known and understood by each Employee. Employee(s) shall abide by this Rule during their tenures with the Company. 本制度是对劳动合同中的条款的细化和补充,与劳动合同具有相同的效力。如本制度与劳动合同和/或其它合同有不一致之处,以劳动合同和其它合同的约定为准。 provides detailed interpretation of and supplement to the clauses in the labor contract and shall have the same effect as the labor contract. In case there is any discrepancy between this Rule and the labor contract and/or other agreement(s), the labor contract and other agreement(s) shall prevail. 移动电话费用补贴制度 Mobile Phone Allowance 该补贴指员工因为工作原因使用私人移动电话,本单位向员工补贴所支出的通讯费用。 Mobile phone allowance refers to communication fees paid by the Company to Employee(s) for utilizing his/her mobile phone attributable to job needs. 员工提供长期使用的移动电话号码,并向相关通信公司办理后付费服务。员工每月向本单位财务人员提供上月通讯费用帐单,由财务人员进行缴纳。 The Employee(s) shall provide the Company with a long-term fixed mobile phone number and make an order of sequent payment service with a relevant tele-communication company. The Employee(s) shall provide the financial accountant with the mobile fee bill of the prior month and the financial accountant shall pay the bill on behalf of the Employee(s). 本单位鼓励员工向通信公司办理节省通讯费用的套餐、网络电话等,节省本单位开支。 The Company encourages the employee(s) to make an economic order for communication fees or network phone at a relevant tele-communication company so as to save the Company’s expenditure. 员工应本着高效、节俭原则使用通讯费用补贴,月通讯费用超过[RMB250]的,本单位有权要求员工提供通话明细清单。员工因私人原因而支出的通讯费用过多的,本单位可视情况予以扣除。本单位保留调整通讯费用限额的



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