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本科生毕业设计(论文) 摘要 本次毕业设计的题目为全自动弹簧预压机的设计。这台设备主要用于对已冷 卷成型的弹簧进行预压冲击载荷,使弹簧的形状,节距进一步改善和释放弹簧内 部因冷卷而残余应力,使工件在几何形状和内部结构上更进一步满足成品要求。 这个设计包括了机械系统设计和PLC 控制系统设计。具体包括:皮带传动的 设计及选择、气压缸的选择、步进电机的选择、联接中使用的紧固件( 螺栓、螺 母、垫圈)的选择和装置中的架体的设计。 本设计中的步进电机的控制采用可编程控制器(PLC)的控制,具体控制过程 如下:由PLC 控制步进电机转动的角度,当工件到达待加工位置时,接近开关打 开,电机停止转动,气缸充气,压头下降,压缩之后气缸回程,接近开关打开, 转盘转动,完成一次加工任务。 本设备的特点:机电一体化程度高、操作简单方便、可实现自动控制、工作 效率高、工件可以大批量生产和对环境的要求较低等。 关键词:预压机 可编程控制器(PLC) 气缸 步进电机 1 本科生毕业设计(论文) 2 本科生毕业设计(论文) Abstract The graduation design subject is the design of automatic spring preloading machine. This equipment mainly uses to coil coldly the spring has carried on the precompression impact load, causes springs shape, the pitch to further improve and the retracting spring interior because of curling, but the residual stress, causeing the work piece the further satisfies the end product request in the geometrical shape and the internal structure. The design of mechanical are system design and PLC control system design. Specific include: belt transmission design and selection, pneumatic cylinder of choice, the choice of stepping motor ,used in connection of fasteners (bolts, nuts, washers) of the selection and design of the body frame devices. The design of the stepping motor control using PLC control, concrete controlled process as follows:step-by-steps the angle which by the PLC control the electrical machinery rotates, when the workpiece position, to stay processing to switch, motor, stop, the cylinder head pressure drop, air cylinder to return after compression, rotary switch, turning, complete machining task. This equipment characteristics: electro


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