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摘 要 呼吸信号的检测具有很高的临床使用价值。本文介绍了用8051单片机设计的呼吸系统监测仪,该呼吸系统监测仪通过采用新的模拟器件而实现低功耗的生物电压放大; 通过采用“闭环反馈”方案而获得比“级连开环”方案有显著改善的稳定性和较少恢复时间; 通过采用合适的传感器等措施而使呼吸信号波形稳定, 精确。 论文设计了硬件和软件两部分。硬件主要采用传感器,调理电路,数据采集和通用计算机。软件采用Matlab编程。由于有大量成熟的软件模块,大大提高了开发效率。该监测仪性能优良,价格便宜,使用方便,具有实用性。 针对呼吸信号的非平稳性, 引入小波包变换处理临床呼吸信号的动态特性。小波包分析算法对上一层的低频部分和高频部分同时进行细分,具有更为精确的局部分析能力。基于小波包变换的优良时频分析特性,给出应用小波包变换对基于8051单片机的信号采集电路所检测到的呼吸信号进行消噪处理的实例。 关键词 呼吸信号;8051单片机;数据采集;信号处理;小波变换 Abstract The detection of human respiratory signal has a high clinical value. The design of the respiratory system is introduced in this dissertation, which can monitor the respiratory signals by the SCM (Signal Chip Microprocessor) 8051.The system consists of the hardware and software. The hardware includes the sensor, the measuring circuit, A/D card, 8051 cards and the computer, and it used Matlab software platform, which provides a lot of modules to make the programming efficient. The system with good quality performance can promote the customer’s convenient, which is reasonable and practicality.  Wavelet transformation is employed to investigate the non-stationary of medical signals. By means of the wavelet packet analysis, the low frequency part and high frequency part of the super stratum can be concurrently further broken down, and so, more exact analysis of localities can be conducted. According to the excellent time-frequency localization analysis properties of the wavelet packet,this paper provided an example of de-noising of the signal detected based on 8051 single chip using wavelet packet. Keywords  Respiratory signal; SCM 8051; Data acquisition; Signal processing;Wavelet transformation 目 录 摘 要 I Abstract II 第1章 绪论 1 1.1 课题背景和研究意义 1 1.1.1 呼吸系统研究的意义 1 1.1.2 国内外发展现状 1 1.2 本论文主要研究内容 3 第2章 呼吸系统检测仪设计 5 2.1 呼吸系统检测仪工作原理 5 2.2 呼吸系统检测仪组成 6 2.2.1 信号检测与预处理模块 6 2.2.2 数据提取与处理模块 8 2.2.3 显示模块 9 第3章 主要硬件电路设计 10 3.1 器件和原理 10 3.1.1 CPU的选择 10 3.1.2 A/D转换芯片的选择 10 3.1.3 RAM的选择 12 3.2 A/D转换电路 12 3.3 微处理器与RAM的接口电路 16 3.4 通信系统设计 17 3.4.1 通信系统硬件电路设


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