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* 病毒性肝炎发展到最后大部分患者会发展成为肝硬化或肝癌。肝癌是一种很严重的后果,大家都很好理解。这里简单介绍一下肝硬化,通俗一些讲肝硬化就是大部分正常的肝脏组织都被疤痕组织所取代,肝脏不仅丧失了其正常的合成和代谢能力,而且还会影响到人体的血液循环系统,造成门静脉高压,最后造成门静脉曲张、腹水,曲张的静脉破裂就会造成上消化道大出血,甚至会危及到患者的声明。 * * This slide illustrates the natural history of hepatitis C infection. After acute infection, 15% to 40% of HCV-infected individuals appear to spontaneously clear the virus within approximately 6 months, thereby resolving their infection without sequel. Although their hepatitis C antibody test will remain positive and confirm the presence of prior infection, sensitive molecular tests will not show the presence of circulating HCV, and therefore, the patient is not at risk for developing hepatitis C–mediated liver disease or transmitting the disease to others. However, 60% to 85% of exposed individuals will not clear the virus and therefore will remain chronically infected. The most important consequence of chronic HCV infection is progressive liver fibrosis leading to cirrhosis, end-stage liver disease, and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Fortunately, only approximately 10% to 15% of patients with HCV infection progress to cirrhosis over a period of 20 years after infection. One of the most serious complications of cirrhosis is the development of liver cancer (HCC) and liver failure. Hepatocellular carcinoma occurs almost exclusively in patients who have already progressed to cirrhosis. It has been estimated that up to 3% of people with cirrhosis develop HCC each year, and approximately 25% of patients with cirrhosis can be expected to develop HCC or liver failure. Thus, liver cancer and liver failure occur in approximately 2% to 4% of patients who are exposed to HCV over a 20- to 25-year period. * * 病毒性肝炎的危害非常严重,长期感染会导致肝硬化,甚至肝癌,很多患者往往会限于一种恐慌之中,不知如何是好,其实在患了丙肝之后,我们完全不必要惊慌,要知道丙肝是完全可以治愈的,最重要的是我们要充分认识丙肝,掌握丙肝的正规治疗方法,积极地进行治疗即可。 丙肝的危害: 丙肝抗体阳性率3% 左右 每年新发丙肝病近6万人 感染后肝硬化发生率20年内达10% ,在感染后30年内达20% 1%–4%:肝癌 * * * * * 丙肝病毒有很多亚型,如基因1型、基因2型、基因3型等,国内通常分为基因1型和基因非1型,临床上对丙肝进行基因分型主要是为了指导判定治疗的难易程度以及制定抗病毒治



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