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29 6 机器人 ROBOT Vol. 29, No. 6 2007 11 Nov., 2007 : 100220446( 2007) 0620513207 * 1, 2 1 郑伟 , 王越超 ( 1. , 100016; 2. , 100049) : , , , . , , , . . : ; ; ; : TP24 : A On Human2Robot Interaction in the Network2Based M ulti2Robot Teleoperation System 1, 2 1 ZHENG W ei , WANG Yue2ch o ( 1. R obotics L abora tory, Sheny ang In stitu te of A u toma tion, Ch ine seA cad emy of Sc iences, Sheny ang 110016, Ch ina; 2. Gradua te School of the Ch ine seA cad emy of Sc iences, B eij ing 100049, China Abstract: There rem ny d ifficulties in hum n2robot inter ction in the network2b sed intelligent robot teleoper tion sys2 tem, nd ll the current ppro ches h ve their deficiencies. B sed on the ch r cteristics of netw ork2b sed mu lt2i robot tele2 oper tion system, mu lt2im ode con trolm ethod is pplied to enh nce the inter ction bewt een the oper tor nd the robot sys2 tem nd to mi prove the efficiency of inter ction. Then in order to solve the problem s b rought by the network l tency in the inter ction, n event2b sed ppro ch w ith tmi em rks is presented, wh ich c n gu r ntee system st bility nd mi prove system efficiency nd perform nce. Expermi ents prove the v lid ity nd dv nt ges of the presented m ethods. K eywords: mu lt2i robot teleoper tion; hum n2robot inter ction; tmi e m rk; event2b sed ppro ch


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