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SA 8000社会责任标准要求? | 1.童工 | 2. 强迫性劳工 | 3.健康与安全 | 4.组织工会的自由与集体谈判的权利 | | 5.歧视 | 6. 惩戒性措施 | 7.工作时间 | 8.薪酬 | 9.管理系统 | | 政策 | 管理审查 | 公司代表 | 规划与实施 | 对供货商的管制 |? | 处理疑虑与矫正行动 | 对外沟通 | 查证管道 | 纪录 | IV. 社会责任的规定? IV. SOCIAL ACCOUNTABILITY REQUIREMENTS? 1.) 童工准则: 1.1 公司不可招用童工或支持招用童工的行为。   1.2 公司应该建立、记录、维持有关拯救童工的政策和程序,和有效的传达这些政策和程序给员工和其它利益团体,并且应该提供足够的支持来促使童工接受学校教育,直到他们超过儿童年龄为止。     1.3 公司应该建立、记录、维持有关推广童工教育和未成年工教育的政策和程序,并且有效的传达这些政策和程序给员工和其它利益团体,这些政策程序规定下的儿童必须符合国际劳工组织第146条条款建议,未成年则属于当地强制教育法律规定下的年龄或正在求学当中。政策和程序应该包括具体措施来确保在上课时间内不招用童工或未成年工,而且童工和未成年工的每日交通(来回工作地点和学校)、上单和工作时间加起来不得超过十小时。 1.4 公司不可置儿童或未成年工人于工作环境内外任何具危险性、不安全性或不健康的情况之下。 1. CHILD LABOR Criteria: 1.1 The company shall not engage in or support the use of child labor as defined above;? 1.2 The company shall establish, document, maintain, and effectively communicate to personnel and other interested parties policies and procedures for remediation of children found to be working in situations which fit the definition of child labor above, and shall provide adequate support to enable such children to attend and remain in school until no longer a child as defined above. 1.3 The company shall establish, document, maintain, and effectively communicate to personnel and other interested parties policies and procedures for promotion of education for children covered under ILO Recommendation 146 and young workers who are subject to local compulsory education laws or are attending school, including means to ensure that no such child or young worker is employed during school hours and that combined hours of daily transportation (to and from work and school), school, and work time does not exceed 10 hours a day. 1.4 The company shall not expose children or young workers to situations in or outside of the workplace that are hazardous, unsafe, or unhealthy. 2.) 强迫性劳动准则: 2.1 公司不可有(或支持)强迫性劳动的行为,也不可要求受聘的员工存放[押金]或身份证于公司。 2. FORCED LABOUR Criterion: 2.1 the company shall not engage in or support the use of forced labour, nor sha


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