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广东省省级精品课程 国 际 贸 易 Chapter 9: Tariff Effects 第九章 关税的经济效应 广东外语外贸大学 何元贵 教授 Jan.,2010 一、Analysis of Tariff Effects (一) Effects of a tariff: small country In this market, the autarky equilibrium occurs a price of $50 and quantity of 50. If the international price is $20, the country will be an importer of the item. Domestic production will fall from 50 to 20. Domestic consumption will rise from 50 to 80. These changes generate imports of 60 units. If a 50% ad valorem tariff is placed on imports, the domestic price rises from $20 (the international price) to the tariff price of $30. Domestic production increases from 20 to 30. Domestic consumption falls from 80 to 70. Imports fall to 40. The amount of tariff revenue is: $10 x 40 = $400 To show the welfare changes from the tariff the concepts of consumer and producer surplus must be considered. Consumer surplus is the difference between what consumers are willing to pay for a specific amount of a commodity and what they actually pay for it. Graphically, consumer surplus is the area under the demand curve and above the price paid on every unit purchased. 关税的价格效应:国内p 关税的消费效应: --(a+b+c+d) 关税的生产效应:+a 关税的税收效应:+c ( a和c也称为再分配效应) 关税的净福利效应: --(b+d),此部分属于无谓损失(deadweight loss)。 The imposition of a tariff leaves a net welfare loss to society of the two triangular shaded regions( bd). These regions are known as the deadweight loss of a tariff. b is production distortion, d is comsumption distortion. (二) Effects of a tariff: large country The effects of a tariff on a large country differ from that in a small country because the imposition of a tariff results in a fall in import demand that lowers the international price. This is known is as the terms of trade effect. (二) Effects of a tariff: large country 关税的价格效应:国内p 关税的消费效应: --(a+b+c+d) 关税的生产效应:+a 关税的税收效应:+(c+e) 关税的贸易条件效应:改善(出口价格不变时) 关税的净福利效应: e--(b+d)


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